Chapter 4 Jealousy fight

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Recap: "Shuu...are you....avoiding me?"Akari asked, which made Shuu nervous

"me...avoiding you? Why would i do that?"Shuu made a soft chuckle "then why aren't you talking to me?"Akari asked "not talking to you?What do you think im doing right now, im taling to you right now"Shuu said snobbishly

"Shuu! you know what i meant!"Akari angrily said

"huh? i don't know what your talking about!"

"why didn't you talk to me at school?"

"well...i was busy doing something"

"yeah right...busy entertaining your didn't even know how much of an idiot i was, making you a bento when your fans can make you one"Akari muttered hoping Shuu didn't hear what she just said but alas Shuu heard it

"you made me a bento?if so, why didn't you tell me?"Shuu asked shocked that Akari even made him a bento

"how would i tell you when your surrounded with all the girls that are drooling over you!"

" sounded like your...jealous"

"huh?...m-m-me...j-j-j-j-j-jealous"Akari stammered for she taken aback at what Shuu said and her face was bright red

"ehhhh...your reaction proves i was are jealous and if your jealous you loke me right?"Shuu smirked

" would i like an idiot like you!"

"you don't like me because you like Nozumi right?"

"huh?...what made you think like that?"Akari was puzzled by Shuu's question

"don't try to cover it even let him kissed your hand and he gave you a bouquet of red roses and you were really happy when he said those words to you"Shuu was really pissed off just by remembering that scene


"your beauty is really mesmerizing you only took a glance at me and my heart was already captured!"Shuu imitated Nozumi's flirtish tone

"hahahahahahah....Shuu...i .know what this means!"Akari began to laugh

"huh?what do you mean by that?!"

"your jealous!"Akari began to laughed really loud and that made Shuu irritated and angry

"Me?jealous...your imaginations are really crazy!you even went to the extent of me being jealous!"

"really?then explain why you were mad at me for letting Nozumi kissed my hand!"

"i was just telling you that you shouldn't flirt with other guys since your married already!"

"i don't want to hear that from you when you're the one who was flirting with many girls first!"

"so you just want to get back on me right?"

"so what?what do you care anyway?"

"i am your husband and i have the right to make sure that my wife is not flirting with other guys!"

"i am also your wife and i have the right to make sure that my husband is not cheating on me!"

both were shocked and embarrassed at the sentences that escaped their mouth Shuu's face turn bright red that he went outside, into the garden to avoid Akari from seeing it while Akari on the other hand went to their room and laid down on her futon her face was red "what do i do now? im to embarrassed to face him after what i said"Akari thought she soon fell asleep

a few minutes later after Shuu had recovered his posture he decided to go back inside when he found the living room empty he went to their room and found Akari already sleeping

Shuu sat near Akari's futon and found himself staring at Akari's sleeping face and later he fell asleep next to Akari the next morning when Akari woke up she felt someone's arms around her and she was also hugging someone...wait...she's hugging someone!who is it?

when she opened her eyes she found herself staring at auburn eyes to be precised Shuu and Akari was staring at each other closely their faces turned bright red and their closeness was irresistible teir faces were onky inch apart from each other they could even hear each others breath

both was completely shocked but unable to move and they kept on staring at each other suddenly they heard a knock from the front door "hey...Shuu...todays a holiday! i came to visit you!"a voice called out

"Santa!"Shuu gasped and the two immediately split up "im sorry...i didn't mean to fall asleep beside you"Shuu muttered and before Akari could reply he rushed out of the room

"oi just woke up?"Santa asked as Shuu opened the door and ushered him inside "do you want some tea?"Shuu asked as Santa sat down in the sofa "yeah...thanks"Santa said

when Shuu went to the kitchen to make tea he heard Santa asked "Shuu..where's your dad?" "he's in india!"Shuu said which was true after Akari and Shuu got married their parent went tour around the world "so your living here alone?"Santa asked "y--y-y-yeah"Shuu lied

"thats great!lets go to the beach!i won 2-day promo stay in at heiomachi beach island resort!"Santa said as he showed 5 tickets to Shuu "yeah...but we have 3 extra ones"Shuu said as stirred the soup he also made for breakfast "don't worry i already invited Eya and Nami and Akari but Nami will be the one to contact Akari"Santa said as he drank the tea Shuu served to him suddenly they heard a beeping sound inside Shuu's room which made Shuu recognized the tone Akari's phone "that idiot!"Shuu thought "'i'll go pick it up"Santa suggested " need"Shuu said "i'll just turn off"he chuckled and waited for the tone stop ,beep, there was silence "see"Shuu smiled

meanwhile when Akari heard her phone ring she almost panic and quickly answered it "hello?"Akari asked "'s me Nami...lets go to the beach!"Nami said

"really! i'll go get my stuff ready"

"lets meet up in heiomachi beach island resort and make sure to pack extra clothes were sleeping there!"

"okay"Akari then hang up she hurriedly pack her things and wore her two-piece swimsuit and wore a jacket and  pants to cover it up she then left a note for Shuu she then left through the back door

"i'll go pack my stuff"Shuu said "okay"Santa said when Shuu came inside the room, he didn't see Akari except for a note saying:


I went to meet up Eya and Nami


after packing Shuu and Santa were ready to leave "oi...Shuu the girls already went to the beach ahead of us"Santa said "it's okay"Shuu said

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