Chapter 6 Holding hands and Hugs Can this be Love?

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When the group reached the cave of fears they saw a lot people in the line to get inside the cave of fear Akari was already sweating when it was their turn to get inside "it's so dark!"Nami said"i love it!"Eya said but soon she noticed a cold hand grabbed and was shocked to see Akari so pale "Akari!Are you okay?!"Eya asked worriedly "im f-f-f-f-fin-n-n-n-e-e-e"Akari stammered as she walked wobbly

When they were already midway Akari caught a glimpse of a dark figure that greatly terrified and made her scream "Akari...are you okay?"Nami asked "i-i-i-i s-s-s-saw a G-G-G-HO-ST!"Akari stuttered "really?where?i want to take a picture of it?"Santa asked who was terribly interested "over there"Akari pointed to a dark side of the cave

as soon as Akari recovered from her state shock the group continued on but as they were getting closer to the exit it also grew darker that the group were separated Eya and Nami were together with Santa while Shuu and Akari were together

"Nami!"Akari called out but there was no reply

"maybe they already left"Shuu said

"well...maybe w-w-w-we s-should g-g-get going t-t-too...."Akari Stammered nervously as she held Shuu's hand tightly in which startled Shuu

"oi...Akari what are you doing?"he asked staring at their holding hands

"i just felt if i hold your hand i would be less scared"Akari said nervously as she looked around trying to watch if there really was a ghost

"your scared?what are you scared of?"Shuu decided to ask he also wants to  know more about Akari

"anything....especially scary stuff like g-g-ghost"Akari said

"rea-"Shuu was interrupted by sudden scream from be precise a very loud scream!

"hey!what you screaming for?are you trying me deaf or scream your head off!"Shuu yelled

"i didn't mean it...i was just scared when i saw a fast moving figu-"Akari suddenly slipped from loose rock and fell into Shuu which made him out balance and made them roll down into the exit hugging each other

meanwhile Nami,Santa and Eya were already waiting for the two at the exit when they heard a sudden scream and a little while a couple rooled out hugging each other and the couple was Shuu and Akari

"oi...are you guys okay?"Nami asked as they helped the two stand up "what were you two doing that you rolled out into the exit hugging each other?"She asked curiously with sly smile "we were doing nothing...Akari just slipped and i caught her but i also slipped so we fell"Shuu said with his back turned away from the group to hide his extremely red face "yeah...we kinda understand but why were you two hugging each other?"Eya asked "oi...Santa's going back to the cottage already we should go back too!"Akari said trying to change the subject

when they returned to the cottage they all took a quick dip before going to bed

the next morning Akari woke up early and decided to make breakfast when she found Shuu in the veranda sitting on a chair reading newspaper she quickly made 2 cups of tea and walked toward Shuu "here"she said handing Shuu a cup of tea "what's this for?"he asked suspiciously "nothing"Akari looked away "i don't believe so!"he said as he took a sip from the tea

"well...i was"Akari said as she looked into the vast beautiful sea

"sorry for?"Shuu asked

"about the things i said in our fight the other day"Akari said her face turning red as he remembered what she said "i am also your wife and i have the right to make sure that my husband is not cheating on me!"

ahhhhhhhhh...its embarrassing"Akari thought

"it's sorry too.."Shuu said as he suddenly hugged her which greatly suprised her "Shuu...what are you doing?what if someone sees us?"Akari asked "can't a husband hug her wife?abd besides they're all asleep"Shuu chuckled as he break away from the hug

"mmnn...whos asleep?"a voice suddenly asked the two were surprised to see Nami in front of them "im two...are dating right?"she asked "no!were not!"Shuu and Akari denied in unison "eh...really..your faces are red...looks suspicious"Nami said with an evil smirk

"huh?it must be from the sun!"Akari said as she looked away from Shuu and Nami "really?if you two aren't dating...why are you hugging each other?"Nami was really interested about Shuu and Akari "ummnn...we were just...we were just playing dare.."Shuu lied but Nami was able to see through him "liar!"she said as she lightly smacked his head

"geez...shes really a problem!...but yeah...she had a point Akari and i aren't dating but we're married because of some particular reason but i don't like her so why did i hug her?UGH!what was i doing?!i really don't know what's happening to me!why did my heart beat fast!and somehow there was this overwhelming emotion that i almost can't control!and it urges me to hug her..can this be...Love?"Shuu thought

"oh...i better prepare breakfast for everyone already"Akari said as she walked toward the kitchen but was stunned at what Nami "are you guys hiding something from us?"she asked "we aren't h-h-h-hiding something!"Akari nervously replied "hey...if you two are dating..just tell need to hide"Nami said and went to the kitchen when Nami was out from an earshot Shuu and Akari drew a sighed of guilt and relief

it didn't take long and soon enough the group began to eat the breakfast Nami and Akari prepared

"what a great day!"Akari said


i hope you like this chapter

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