Chapter 9 Kris party and the Realized Feeling

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Akari was in a hurry for she was gonna be late for school if she don't arrived there in 30mins "of all the time that stupid alarm clock would choose to get broken during school days!"she muttered as she ran toward their school

when Akari reached their classroom she looked at the watched and sighed happily "whew...i was almost late"Akari said as she sat down into her seat next to Shuu

"Akari!"Akari turned around to see who called only to end up being squashed by a dog pile of Nami and Eya "help me...i...can't...breath!"she said as she tried to escape she was about to give up from escaping for her friends were very heavy when someone grabbed her hand and pulled her out but when she was pulled out she tripped on one of her friends foot and soon found herself falling down forward she closed her eyes and found herself staring at a pair of auburn eyes

she felt her face heat up and turn red when she realized Shuu caught her before she fell

"arigatou"Akari said as she break away from Shuu grip and looked away she was blushing madly (A/N arigatou means thank you)

little did they know a pink haired girl was staring at them already emitting huge dark auras

"Akari and Shu was hugging"she muttered under her breath and soon enough she began her weird imaginations

Kris as Akari:Shuu im falling down

Kris as Shuu:don't worry I'll catch you

Kris as Akari:arigatou...Shuu...i really like you

Kris as Shuu:me too!

"they hugged each other intimately!Shuu and Akari hugging intimately!Shuu and Akari hugging intimately!Shuu and Akari hugging intimately!"Kris kept on repeating until she grabbed a desk abd was ready to hurl it at Shuu and Akari

"Kris it's not what you think! i only fell and he just helped me!"Akari panicly explained

"yeah Yoshimi-san i just helped this clumsy idiot!"Shuu said

Akari was mad at Shuu for calling her clumsy idiot but right now is not the time to have an argument since they have a problem

"oh Shuu only helped Akari then that's fine"Kris said and she looked at the desk she destroyed "oh i better fix this now!"she said and she began repairing the desk with the tools she have from her magic pouch

"whew!"Shuu and Akari sighed a relief

"oh by the way im inviting everyone in this class to come to the party at my house"Kris then began handing out invitations "it's tomorrow night"

school ended...

"Akari"Nami called out Akari who was about to go home "what is it Nami?"Akari asked "do you want to go shopping with me?"Nami asked "sure!i better buy a dress since i don't have one" "great!I'll ask Eya to come with us"Nami smiled and walked toward Eya

"Shuu i think I'll be late"Akari said and Shuu quickly understood what she meant he over heard the girls about buying dresses for the party "okay"he said and went home

at the mall...

Nami was dragging Eya and Akari from stall to stall to let them try on some dresses and finally they already bought the dress they want

the next day...

"im so excited for tonight's party!"Nami giggled during lunch break all girls in their class ate together to talk about the party tonight and also about tge dress they were gonna wear

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