Chapter 8 Truth or Dare

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It was already dark and the girls began to prepare dinner while the boys were just watching TV

"oi...boys...Dinner's ready"Eya called out

"ittadakimasu"they all began to eat

a little while later Nami made an announcement "hey...before we sleep we should play a game!" "what kind of game?" akari asked and suddenly regretted it when Nami smirked and said "Truth or Dare"totally emphasizing the word Truth and Dare toward Shuu and Akari "hey...that's a good idea"Santa said with a glee

they sat in a form of circle and Nami was the first one to spin the bottle and it stop in front of Akari "eh...what an exciting feeling i have...Akari truth or dare?"Nami said with an evil grin

"what should i choose?...if i choose truth Nami will probably asked me something embarrassing and if i choose dare she'll probably dare me to do something embarrassing!this is hard!" Akari thought

"Akari truth or dare?"Nami asked again breaking Akari's thoughts

"ummnnnn...dare"Akari replied with hint of nervousness in her voice

"mmmnnnhhh...what should i dare you"Nami muttered as she looked around and then she suddenly had an idea which made Akari gulped when she saw an evil glint in her eyes

"Akari come here"Nami said as she gestured to Akari to come closer to her "what is it?"Akari asked Nami then whispered something to her and suddenly Akari gasped turn bright red and said "it's too embarrassing and i can't do that!"

"oh...come on Akari...its a dare...if you won't do it i'll change it to an even harder and embarrassing dare!"Nami snickered and gestured Akari to hurry up and do it

"what could have Onoue ask her to do?"Shuu thought not noticing Akari walked up behind him she suddenly grabbed his hand and whispered into his ears the words he never expected from her "i love you"she then kissed him in the cheeks which made him blush red madly while Akari returned to her seat with a very red face

"okay it's Akari's turn to spin the bottle"Eya said with a smile Akari then spinned the bottle and it stopped in front of Santa "Santa truth or dare?"Akari asked "truth"Santa said bravely "what is your favorite TV show?"Akari asked "ah that's easy...Cactus man"Santa said and he then spinned the bottle and stopped in front of Eya "Mizuhashi truth or dare?"Santa asked "dare"Eya replied "i dare you to dance any kind of dance"Santa said with a mischievous smile since he knew that Eya doesn't know how to dance Eya danced but it was a very weird kind of dance she was flailing and waving her arms in different directions and her steps were drastically weird

after she danced everyone was totally quiet and suddenly they burst out laughing they apologized for they couldn't hold it anymore Eya spinned the bottle and it stopped in front of Nami "Nami truth or dare?"Eya asked "truth"Nami replied "do you like Santa?"Eya asked "No"Nami said she then spinned the bottle and it stop in front of Shuu "hehehehe...Saionji...truth or dare?"Nami asked with an evil glint in her eyes "Truth"Shuu replied as he yawned with an emotional face he really want to sleep already "who was the first girl that kissed you in the cheeks?"Nami asked with snicker she's totally having fun torturing this two (A/N the torture didn't mean she's hurting them she's just having fun teasing them okay? ∧_∧∨)

"it's..."Shuu was totally having a hard time "it's...Akari"Shuu said they heard the door being closed and Akari gone "maybe she  just went out to get some fresh air since it's so intensely hot here"Nami said as she went to the guest room where they were supposed to sleep in "and who made it?"Shuu said and he also went out

he was walking in the garden when he saw Akari sitting by the stairs in front of the Saionji temple

"oi...Akari...aren't you gonna sleep?"Shuu asked he was still feeling after being kissed by Akari in the cheeks "im not yet sleepy"Akari said not even looking at Shuu for she's too was feeling awkward

Shuu decided to sut down next to Akari "Shuu...gomeneh for kissing you in the cheeks"Akari said her face was red "uh...its were asked to do it anyway"Shuu just coolly said but he then suddenly whispered to Akari "i love you too"and kissed her in the cheeks and it made blush madly and before she good retort he said with mocking tone "gotcha!didn't i?"it totally angered Akari that she yelled at Shuu "baka!baka!baka!baka!baka Shuu!"and stormed off back inti the house leaving the laughing Shuu (A/N gomeneh means sorry and baka means stupid)

"what a great night!"Shuu said as he looked at the dark sky blanketed by the shining stars

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