Chapter 10 Shuu's mother

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Finally! chapter 10 is here I'm very sorry for making you all wait

it was a very lovely Saturday morning Shuu decided to take a stroll early in the morning to straighten out his thoughts

meanwhile inside the Saionji household a certain blonde was cooking breakfast when she heard a knock in the door, when she opened the door she saw a beautiful lady with auburn eyes same as Shuu and have a hood while holding a baby boy with bonde hair and blue eyes

"what a beautiful lady and cute baby!"Akari thought as the beautiful lady began to talk "is this Saionji temple?"the lady asked "umm..oh...yes this is Saionj temple..."Akari said and the beautiful lady just smiled and said "is Honno is here?" "no he is not here he is in the america...
who are you by the way?"Akari asked and the beautiful lady said "is that so...ohh im Yuki Saionji, im Honno wife"the beautiful lady said "eh?...wife?!"Akari shocked to what she heard "yeah"Yuki said as she smiled to Akari "and by the way who are you?"Yuki asked "what would i say?!think Akari think i can't say im Shuu wife she would be suprised if i say that!!!"Akari thought "i-im A-akari Sai-i mean Hanamura"Akari said with nervously voice "oh my god i almost said Saionji!!!what i am thinking!!!"Akari thought "is that so nice too meet you Akari"Yuki said as she smiled at Akari "ummnn...can i asked you a question?"Akari asked "hmm..sure why not?"Yuki said "ummnn...Yuki-san...why are you doing here..i mean are you visting Shuu?"Akari asked "huh?...Shuu?"Yuki asked."yeah"Akari said "ohh Shuu no i was here to visit Honno"Yuki asked "eh? are not Shuu's mother?.. you're Honno-san wife right?or a second one?"Akari asked "of course i dont have son like Shuu and how rude of you of course im Honno wife and im not his second one"Yuki said "Akari.."A voice for behind the lady "Shuu?"Akari said "what are you doing?"Shuu said "ohh Shuu can you take care of Yuuta i was going to my work so no one's going to take care of Yuuta"Yuki said "of course Yuki-san"Shuu said and Yuki begin to leave

"Hey Shuu is that your mother?"Akari asked

"yeah that was my mother"Shuu said as he carried Yuuta to the room to get sleep "but...Yuki-san said your not her mother"Akari said as she was confused

"yeah... because she lost her memories all about me"Shuu said "lost her memories?"Akari asked

"yeah she, when i was 5years old my mom and i always together i love her more than anyone in this world but some accident has happen the airplane she was riding it crashed,it was good that she was safe but...she lost her memories she know my dad but she lost her memories all about me it was so hard for me too see the one i love forget all about me i think about committing suicide because she can't even remember about me and i was all alone "Shuu said as his tears started to fall down Akari slapped Shuu and hug him "don't even think about committing suicide!!!don't do something so stupid!!!you're not alone im here i won't leave you!!"Akari shouted and Shuu started too cry "thank you...i like you"Shuu whispered but Akari didn't hear Shuu last word"what did you say i didn't hear you" Akari asked "it was nothing"Shuu said "is that so"Akari said " have a breast i thought you don't have a breast"Shuu said as he change the topic "y-you pervert!!!!!!!!!!"Akari shouted as Yuuta wake up and suddenly started crying "ohhh...look what you have done you wake him up"Shuu said "wha!?who's fault it is?!"Akari said with angry face  "its your fault"Shuu said "what!?its your fault you pervert alien!!!"Akari shouted as she go to Yuuta to stop it for crying "ohh yeah the milk"Akari thought "here yuuta"Akari said "ohh...he drink it"Shuu said " going to the bed im sleepy"Shuu said as he leave Akari and Yuuta alone

"don't even think about committing suicide!!!don't do something so stupid!!!you're not alone im here i won't leave you!!"Akari's words still ringing on Shuu's head "damn it!!!why was my heart still beating so fast when Akari said does word!!"Shuu thought as he blush so red...


Happy new year everyone!!!!sorry if it so slow too update!!!!^__^i wish you like it!!!!

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