Chapter 2 Married now!

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A week had past since Shuu and Akari’s wedding, the brunette is now inside his or we should say their room, thinking about what his father said after the wedding

Shuu was about to go to the restroom when his father walked up and talk to him about marriage matter

“Shuu!promise me, you wont do something undignified with Akari”Honno said

“of course, i wouldn't do such an undignified thing with a girl i dont even like...that would also break my principles”Shuu said as his face turned bright red

“don't like eh?”Honno said as he patted his son’s back “akari’s a kind girl and pretty too, i cant see a reason why you don't like her”

“come on dad!, her pretty?”Shuu said as laughed

“she’s pretty and soon enough you’ll notice it, and you better notice it fast or else it’ll be too late”and with that Honno left his son with confused face

“you better notice it fast or else it’ll be too late”the words his father said still rings in his ears

“what could he mean by that?”Shuu said as he scratched his head, he then heard a soft chuckle, and when he turned arund he saw Akari or should he say, his wife carrying a tray of tea and food “hey, Shuu, whats wrong with you? you totally looked weird with your hair all messed up”Akari said as she set the tray on the small table “whats this for?”Shuu asked as he combed his hair “you forgot that you didn't eat lunch?”Akari asked “oh, i totally forgot about lunch, i was so focused about what dad said”Shuu said as he tasted the tea “what did Honno-san say to you?”Akari said as she sat down in a japanese-style on the floor near the table, while Shuu was sitting in his futon “nevermind, what did you cook?”Shuu asked “pumpkin soup and fried fish”Akari said as she poured tea for Shuu

After making sure Shuu was already eating, Akari stood up and went to the living room, she was being annoyed by her thoughts “Shuu’s a good boy Akari, you’ll have to notice it fast or else it’ll be too late”the words her mom said after the wedding still rang inside her mind

Suddenly, the telephone rang

“hello, Saionji residence, how may i help you?”Akari asked as she answer the phone

“Saionji residence eh?Akari you really sound like Saionji now and a wife...hehehehehehehe”the caller said over the phone

“mom...if you just called hre to tease me, i’ll hang up”Akari threat

“wait...i called you because i want to ask you something”

“ask me?”

“hows the married life?”

“well..nothing much...i only have to cooked meals, clean the house and etc.

“oh...can i talk to my son-in-law?”

“ok, wait for a minute”Akari said and the called Shuu “Shuu!mom wants to talk to you!” “okay” Shuu said as he took the phone from Akari’s hands

“helll, Rin-san?”Shuu said

“oi....Shuu-kun, you don't need to call me Rin-san, call me mom, you're my son-in-law already”

“”Shuu was bit embarrassed calling Rin mom

“i want Akari to go to the same school as you, i already called the principal ans she’ll be going to school  starting tomorrow”

“does Akari know about this?”

“no...i want you to be the one to tell her since you're her husband, and taje good care of her”

“”Rin-san then hang up

“oi Akari”Shuu said as he sat on the chair opposite to where Akari was sitting

“what is it?”Akari asked, with tone of suspicions “well, mom said you’ll have to go to the same school as me”Shuu said “what?!”Akari was totally shocked “and you’ll be going there starting tomorrow”Shuu said as he stoop up and went to their room, he really has to leave Akari alone while she’s shocked mode, or else she’ll ask him a ton of questions “so this is what feels like to be married, huh?”Shuu said as he dozed off


well...did you it? like its my second chapter

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