Chapter 5 Beach Escapade

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When Akari reached heoimachi beach island resort, she found Eya and Nami by the resto bar waiting for her "Akari!"Eya said as she hugged Akari "sorry i took so long i decide to grab some food cause i haven't eaten yet!"Akari said "its okay!lets change into our swimwears now!"Nami said as she pulled the two girls into the changing room after a few mins the three came out in their swimsuits Nami Was wearing a blue and white striped one-piece swimsuit while Eya was wearing a two-piece purple swimsuit and Akari wore her favorite pink two-piece that match her blonde hair and has flower designs

"wow...Akari your swimsuit is so cute!"Eya said "lets take a swim now we're just wasting our time if we have to wait for the boys"Nami said "boys?"Akari asked "oh i haven't told you, Santa and Shuu are coming too since Santa was the one who invited us in this 2-day promo stay in heiomachi beach island resort!"Eya said "we accepted this 2-day promo since it's a holiday tomorrow too"Nami said

the three girls were already swimming and having fun when Shuu and Santa arrived at the resort "geez...our cottage number is 0491...that's the one!"Santa said pointing to a white cottage with a small balcony and it's also situated near the sea when they came in they saw 3 big bags and some other stuff "looks like the girls are already having fun"Shuu said as he and Santa changed into their swimming trunks when they reached the beach they saw a lot of people swimming, playing beach volleyball and other stuffs but what really caught their attention was the 3 girls who seemed to look like Eya, Nami, and Akari were getting a ticket for a banana boat ride

as they walk toward the girls they really were Eya, Nami and Akari "hey!you guys are late!"Nami said as soon as she saw Santa and Shuu walked toward them "sorry"Santa said "here we already got you tickets!"Akari said handing Shuu 2 tickets Shuu's heart was beating fast upon seeing Akari in a two-piece swimsuit and his face turned into a deep shade of magenta, but Akari didn't notice it for she was very excited while waiting for their turn to ride the banana boat

when it was their turn to ride Nami sat in front behind her was Eya and then Akari next was Shuu and Santa

Shuu was a little bit uncomfortable seeing Akari's white skin "oi...Shuu!are you okay?you look pale"Santa said "mabe he's just afraid!hahahahahahahaha"Akari teased "am not.....maybe you're the one who's scared idiot!"Shuu said "stop the fight!the fun is about to start!"Nami said and after a few minutes later they were already screaming and wailing because of the tremendous speed the jet ski were pulling them

after riding the banana boat the group did alot of stuff like building sand castles,playing beach volleyball,swimming and etc

"hey! you want to come with us tonight?"Eya asked the girls were in the resto bar waiting for the boys who were in their cottage changing their clothes in which the girls are already done "where will you go?who's coming with you?"Akari asked "Nami and i are going to try out the test of fear in the cave of fears tonight"Eya happily replied "huh...i....aren't you s-s-s-s-scared?"Akari gulped " kinda excited!"Eya said her eyes sparkling "i'll just pass"Akari said "eh...your not going?you really a scaredy cat!"a voice from the back teased in which Akari easily recognized Shuu

"im not scared...i just though that...i was tired to try it out"Akari lied she was sweating already "excuses!admit it!your scared!"Shuu said "am not!"Akari said her face red "prove it!"Shuu retorted "i'll try the test of fear!"Akari yelled "good!"Shuu said as he and Santa ordered cocktail drinks

"oh!godwhat i have done?what do i do?I'm a scaredy cat and I'm relly afraid of ghost but im embarrassed to admit it to my friends!"Akari thought somberly

" don't have to do this...if your scared you can back out you don't have to force yourself"Nami said " coming with you"Akari said stubbornly "awwwwwwww.....shucks!Nami finally gave me a choice and i turned it down!im such an idiot!"Akari thought and she started to hit her head "Akari are you okay?"Eya asked "im totally fine!"Akari nervously chuckled "maybe she's just getting stressed because she's scared!i can't wait to see her scared out of her wits!hahahahahahahahah!"Shuu laughed "hahaha...very funny"Akari mocked and rolled her eyes at Shuu

it was already dark so the group went to the bay restaurant to eat dinner when they came in the restaurant was full so they had a hard time looking for vacant seats but to avail all was in used so they just ordered a take out and decided to eat at their cottage when they reached their cottage the girls set the table ready while boys did nothing...."boys dinners ready!"Nami called out "great!im so hungry!"Santa said "ittadakimasu"everyone said and they began to eat " a little while the test of fear will begin"Eya excitedly said "really?great!"Nami said while Akari just gulped in nervous [A/N Ittadakimasu means lets eat]

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