Chapter 12 Confession

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The next day

Yuki-san arrive to get Yuuta in Saionji temple

"thank u very much for taking care if Yuuta"Yuki said

"its nothing"Akari said and begin to leave because she's going to buy foods

"yeah"Shuu agree

"really...well thanks again"Yuki said and start leaving but before she leave she whisper something in Shuu "hey Shuu do u love Akari?"Yuki asked Shuu that made Shuu blush crimson red "i know it"Yuki said and begin laughing that made Shuu little pissed because she was laughing "that's not true!!">/////<Shuu shouted still blushing "you don't have to denied it,its obvious"Yuki said and she stop laughing already knowing Shuu is pissed because she made fun of him "that's no-not tr-true!!!"Shuu said nervouly and that made Yuki smirked "really...then why are you blushing really red"Yuki said while holding her laugh

"i-im no-not!!!"Shuu shouted while blushing

"ok...u say you don't mind if Akari date someone?"Yuki asked still holding her laugh

"huh?!what?!date?!"Shuu angrily asked he was shocked for hearing date

"yeah, you said you don't like her don't u?"Yuki asked and smirked

"o-of course i said that"Shuu nervously said

"then it's ok Akari date someone"Yuki said and smiled at Shuu

"yeah"Shuu said camly

"then good"Yuki said

"of course not im his husband so she can't date someone!!!"Shuu thought

"why did u ask that anyway?"Shuu asked

"ohh that because i want Akari to date someone because she's beautiful it's weird if she is still single this day that's why i ask you if you like Akari so u can say that to her clear"Yuki explain that made Shuu blush again

"i don't like"Shuu said

"yeah...i know because you love her"Yuki said with a smile

that made Shuu blush very red "you know what i should go now and Akari is her already she need to dress up"Yuki said and give Yuuta to him "what im going to do to Yu-"Shuu was cut off "you take care of him again"Yuki said and run to Akari

Shuu just sigh and go inside the house

"Hello Akari"Yuki greeted Akari

"Hello there too Yuki-san"Akari greeted Yuki

"ohh right let's go"Yuki excited said and hold Akari hand and run "but i have to-"Akari cut off "you can just leave the one you bought"Yuki said "ehh but this is a food"Akari said "i know you can just put it in the car lets go"Yuki said and push Akari in the passenger set and Yuki started driving "where are we going?"Akari asked confused Yuki didn't answer her so Akari just keep quiet too

"You like Shuu right?"Yuki asked that made Akari blush

"i know it"Yuki said "i-i do-don't li-like Sh-shuu"Akari nervously said that made Yuki smile "i know it they love each other just like Honno said hehe"Yuki thought

"yeah i know that because you love him right"Yuki said Akari don't want to lie so she said the truth "yeah...i love him...but...Shuu don't love me so i keep it to myself"Akari said and she immediately wipe her tears because she was about to cry

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