Chapter 3 The new student

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The next morning, when Akari woke up she found Shuu still asleep, she then looked at the clock, it was still 5:30 am and classes start at 7:00 am, so she still have enough time to cook breakfast,prepare their lunch for school and get herself ready

After taking a bath Akari wore her new uniform and began to cook for breakfast, just as she finished cooking, Shuu woke up

"morning Shuu, you better wash up first before eating"Akari commanded which Shuu obeyed a few minutes later after Shuu tok a bath and change into his uniform, they began to eat

when they reached school, Shuu told Akari where to find the principal's office "i hope we aren't classmates"Shuu smirked and left,but Akari then suddenly remembered about the bento she made for Shuu, she totally forgot to give it to him and he already left

"good morning Hanamura"the principal greteed Akari

"morning"Akari nodded with a smile

"Hanamura your teacher will be Mizuno-sensei, the principal said introducing the lady next to him "morning Mizuno-sensei"Akari said (A/N Sensei means teacher)

Meanwhile...when Shuu went inside the classroom, he was greteed by his wierd raven-haired buddy,Santa

"morning Shuu!"Santa said "morning, santa!"Shuu said as he sat into his chair "nenene....there's a new student!"Santa said "is it a girl or a boy?"Nozumi, Shuu's ultimate rival in bishounen contest, in which the girls always held, asked as he popped out of nowhere "girl" Santa said "then i must welcome the beautiful girl with a bouquet of my beautiful red roses"Nozumi said and then he left to prepare his bouquet "by the way, Santa how did you know there's a new student?"Shuu asked "well...its a secret, but anyway according to my sources, she's a beauty and she's also blonde"Santa said "really? she must be a foreigner!"Eya and Nami popped up "of course not, Akari's not a foreigner"Shuu muttered under his breath "huh?did you say something Shuu?"Santa asked "oh, nothing"Shuu said

A little while later, Mizuno-sensei came in followed by a blonde girl, the boys in class were awed by her beauty except for one boy that is Shuu, who couldn't believe his in the same class as Akari

"class, today we will have a new student"Mizuno-sensei said

"hello, i am sa-...Hanamura Akari"Akari almost used Saionji as her last name "ugh...i alnost said it!"Akari angrily thought, it was because her mother kept telling her that she has to use Shuu's last name as her last name too because they are already married

"Akari, you'll be sitting next to Shuu"Mizuno-sensei smiled as she pointed at the empty seat next to Shuu

"Shuu?You mean Saionji Shuu?"Akari asked, totally shocked upon hearing Shuus name, she really didn't want to be in the same class with her idiot and arrogant husband  " know Shuu?"Mizuno-sensei asked, when Shuu heard Mizuno-sensei asked that question to Akari he began to panic "that idiot!"he thought,he then quickly stood up and said "ummnn...we're childhood friend so we know each other"Shuu chuckled nervously as he began to feel a dark aura, a few chairs away from him was a girl with pink hair, she is Kristine Yoshimi, but Kris for short and she has a crush on Shuu and somehow if girls tend to go near Shuu she begins to emit dark aura and out of nowhere she grabs things and ready to  throw  it

"uh...really..."Mizuno-sensei turned to Akari "you can sit down now"

"thanks"Akari said, she then walked toward her seat and sat down next to Shuu "oh by the way, Shuu i want you to tour Akari around the school"Mizuno-sensei
said then began her class

during lunchtime, shuu toured Akari around when they reached the canteen Akari suddenly remembered the bento she made for Shuu "Shuu here's your b-"before Akari could finish talking a group of girls immediately surrounded Shuu pushing her to the back "ugh, i didn't know Shuu was this popular"Akari thought as she looked at the bento she made for Shuu glumly and it even made her irritated and gloomier when she heard all the girls scream "Shuu-kun...i made you a bento!...Shuu-kun!...Shuu-Kun"

"eesh..if he had that many girls to make him bento, i shouldn't have made him one!"Akari angrily thought as she put the bento back into her bag "oi...Akari, what did you want to say?"Shuu cakked Akari womho desperately trying to shove the girls away from him "nothing!"Akari retorted and she went to the field and sat in one of the benches

"i even tried to make him a bento, and yet there's many girls who could make him one! i really looked lide idiot!"Akari angrily said to herself as she began to eat from her own bento she saw 2 girls walked up toward her

"hi Akari, im Eya Mizuhashi"the charming girl with double plaited greenish-black hair said "im Nami Onoue, nice too meet you"the girl with short purple hair "hi Onoue, Mizuhashi"Akari smiled at them "Akari no need to be so formal just call us Eya and Nami since starting today we'll be friends"Nami said as she sat beside Akari and Eya on the other side "really im so happy to have friends in my very first in the school"Akari happily said it didn't take very long time for the girls to be close and they talked Akari saw a boy with blond hair carrying a bouquet of red roses and with a bird on his shoulder

"hello Akari-cchi!this bouquet of red roses is my welcome gift for you"the boy said as he kneeled in front of Akari "who are you?"Akari asked "forgive my rudeness im Nozumi Hikarigoka"the boy said as he held Akari's hand and kissed it which shocked the three girls "your beauty is really mesmerizing you only took a glance at me and my heart was already captured!"he said

Meanwhile after Shuu had escaped from his fan girls he quickly searched Akari he felt bad for leaving her alone when he reached the field he saw Kari sitting in a bench together with Eya and Nami but as he walked toward them he saw Nozumi walked toward the girls and knelt in front of Akari and also kissed her hand Shuu couldn't believe hat he was seeing how could Akari let Nozumi kissed her hand when she and Shuu hadn't even kissed on their wedding it was only in the cheeks

but them suddenly Shuu began to think why such feelings such as anger was overwhelming inside him

after class Shuu and Akari walked home together but they were unnoticed and as they walked home together there was total silence and awkwardness surrounding them for Shuu was avoiding Akari he thought he would only talked to her after he straightened out his thoughts

when they reached home Akari decided to asked Shuu the question that has been disturbing her mind

"Shuu"she said as Shuu opened the door to their room and made him stop midway from opening it "w-w-what?"Shuu stammered "Shuu...are you...avoiding me?"Akari asked which made Shuu nervous

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