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Daiyan woke up extremely early for the orientation. She decided to wear the dress that she got yesterday and possibly do something with her hair. Daiyan was feeling very excited and at the same time scared as it was going to be her first day in a new environment. 

After showering and doing all her morning routine, Daiyan went straight on to her makeup and lightly curled her hair just to give it some texture. Once she was satisfied with her look, she put on her dress and paired it with her white high-cut Converse. "Okay, now we are talking~", she said to herself as she checked herself out in the mirror. Adding a thin necklace to complete her outfit and then she was ready.

Daiyan filled her bag with her documentation and other necessities that she might need. She made sure to stop by the convenience store to grab a light breakfast before heading to her school. Breakfast didn't take long as Daiyan was too nervous to eat too much, she decided to just opt for a roll of Kimbap and a cup of coffee. 

Hailing a cab in front of the hotel didn't take long as there was always some right in front of the hotel. Daiyan told the cab driver the place, "Can you please take me to Seoul National University?", the driver gave her a thumbs up.

It did not take her long, the morning traffic was pretty decent and it only took her 15 minutes to get there. Daiyan for the fare and walked out of the cab and stood out at the huge gate that said 'Seoul National University'.

Wow, that's a huge sign~ I can spot this from a mile away - D

Like any other new student, Daiyan followed the sign that said the word 'orientation'. She followed the sign that led her to an auditorium filled with the new students for the semester. 

Damn, that's a lot of students *gulps* It's alright, Dee~ You can do this, just keep calm and you'll be fine - D

Daiyan was mentally giving herself a pep-talk to calm her nerves down. She took a seat somewhere at the top and sat beside a girl who seemed to be as nervous as her. Daiyan shot her a smile and she flashed Daiyan a smile too. "My name is Im Nayeon, what's yours?", the girl introduced herself. "I'm Daiyan Park", Daiyan introduced herself and soon the two started making small-talk before the orientation even begins. The two then found out that they are enrolled in the same department, music.

"Oh, you are going to love it! My brother goes here too and he said that it is a great program", Nayeon said as she talks more about the program from her brother's point of view.

The orientation lasted over an hour and Daiyan was getting bored and so was Nayeon. "They need to speed this up before this auditorium becomes my bedroom", she said and Daiyan couldn't help but laugh. Right after the orientation was over, the spokesperson divided us into our department and that's when Nayeon spotted her brother. He was the in-charge of the newcomers for this year. 

"Good morning newcomers, my name is Im Jaebeom I'll be in charge of showing you guys the music department of SNU", he briefly introduced himself and asked us to follow him. Daiyan could see that Nayeon was extremely excited and proud of her brother. 

Whilst Jaebeom was showing the newcomers the music department, Daiyan's attention was at somewhere else, or shall we say on someone. 

Why does he look familiar? - D

He then came and walked closer to the group. Daiyan gulped, thinking that he saw her staring at him for a bit too long. "Hey JayB, is this the newcomers?", he asked Jaebeom who happens to have a different name. Jaebeom replied with a nod, "Yes, they are. Guys this is Mark, he is also part of the Music department", he introduced the man. 

Mark - D

"He looks cute ay~", Nayeon whispered to Daiyan as she noticed Daiyan staring at Mark. "He's fine, I guess", Daiyan responded and decided to focus on what Jaebeom had to say about the whole program. 

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