Christmas Special Premiers! (12/11/2016)

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It’s Maybelle.



R E L E A S E       D A T E S  ! ! !

And the first one is going to happen in just a few hours!!!!

F R A N C E : December 11th

G E R M A N Y , A U S T R I A , &
S W I T Z E R L A N D : December 22nd

L A T I N   A M E R I C A : The week of Christmas

U N I T E D   S T A T E S : The week of the 19th

S P A I N : It’ll air in two parts. One will take place on Christmas Eve, the other on Christmas Day.

K O R E A : It will be hitting theaters in February.

L A T I N   A M E R I C A : December 12th Part 1, December 19th Part 2 (I think Latin America shows up twice because it might be showing at different dates in different areas)

I T A L Y : December 24th

B R A Z I L : December 22nd

1 5 0 +   D I F F E R E N T   C O U N T R I E S: In two weeks time (that is the estimate)

But did you see? It must be really popular in Korea, because it will be airing in THEATERS!!!!!!! Omg! The people in Korea will be very lucky to experience this miraculous event on the big screen.

I'm also impressed by how this show airs in a hundred and fifty different countries. It's amazing how far this show has gotten.

Don't forget that if you watch it in the subbed version when it comes out, watch it in your own language on television as well to support the show! They get more commercials (more funding, so that more seasons can be in production) depending on how many viewers they have.

Anyways, I hope you’re all excited! We’re going to hear Ladybug and Chat Noir sing!

S O U R C E S : Miraculousdaily’s Tumblr

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