giveaway + PARENTAL PERMISSION (7/28/16)

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Hey, Arisa's here yet again! I bet you're sick of me.

Anyhoo, this was a thing Amanda and I (just the two of us) have been planning for a bit. As stated in the title and on a message board post, we're doing a giveaway for the special 1k followers mark! A physical, giveaway where we give, well, physical items.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, YOU NEED PARENTAL PERMISSION. PLEASE. If your parents/legal guardians allow you or you're old enough to give us your address, then you are a candidate. If you're underage/don't have permission, DO NOT GIVE US YOUR ADDRESS. We do NOT want to be sued/associated in any problems in the future because of this.

SECONDLY, You must have complete and utter faith in us. We will not share your personal information anywhere nor will we use it for anything other than shipping these items to you. Heck, I don't even remember what I ate last night; I'm not going to memorize your address. You will need to take our word for it. Once again, it's up to you and/or parental permission if you're willing to take this.

Now, you're probably wondering what these lovely items are. Here we go!

On my half, I made these Ladybug earrings!

On my half, I made these Ladybug earrings!

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I've made a TON of these before (I've even sold over $70 worth on Etsy at one point)

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I've made a TON of these before (I've even sold over $70 worth on Etsy at one point). An essential for some undercover cosplay, or just plain useful if you want to cosplay as Ladybug! If you're wondering how big these are, they're slightly bigger than a dime, but slightly smaller than a penny.

And Amanda made this lovely "M'Lady" shirt all by herself. Isn't it gorgeous?

Shirt password: ydalm

Shirt password: ydalm

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Now why wouldn't you want that? This could literally be sold in stores (Amanda I want your talent)

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Now why wouldn't you want that? This could literally be sold in stores (Amanda I want your talent). Amanda says that they're a size medium, but if you're chosen and you're a large or bigger, she can make you a new one. I've been begging her to make me one... Earrings Password: #GiveArisaAChatNoirShirt

If you're thinking that you have to pay for shipping, guess what? YOU DON'T. THIS GIVEAWAY IS COMPLETELY FREE. Yes, the two of us are paying out of our wallets to send this to you. That's how much we love our followers.

Now, these are being shipped separately to TWO lucky winners. You cannot get them combined; we apologize. We will pick the winners with a randomizer so it is completely random and not biased at all. However, you can still try out for both. But you'll just be picked for one of them.

To join the M'Lady shirt giveaway, you need to comment a password. It will be hidden amongst these paragraphs so it demonstrates that you read our rules. Same with the earrings.

Not only do you need to give us a password, you must be following us. 'Cuz, ya know, it's for 1k followers. Not for stalkers. Followers. Not stalkers.

If you're our lucky winners, we will post the results on here eventually, but will PM your privately about your information so no one else will know. Trust us; we will not relay your information anywhere other than shipping the items to you.

THE DEADLINE WILL BE AUGUST 5TH, 2016. Exactly a week away. That gives you 7 days to convince your parents/legal guardians for permission and to comment.

We hope you're able to join us, and if you cannot for now, don't fret! The 2k giveaway will be even bigger than the 1k (that is if we ever get to 2k lol).


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