My First Kiss

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And idea was stuck in my head. So read, vote (maybe) and tell me what you think. But here's the deal:

, HE'S A BAD BOY will be continued


I gazed out at the rolling waves from the bench. The wind whipped across my face, flinging my caramel hair all over my face. The bench creaked as someone sat beside me.

"Sorry I'm late"  Kyan apologised, pushing his glasses up his nose. I turned and gave him a small smile.

"It's alright" I sighed, studying his features. His black hair, his misty blue eyes which always seemed to calm me down. His lean and tall figure, the spluttering freackled on his nose. I sure was going to miss him.

As though he could sense my thoughts, he switched his gaze to me. "So you heard?"

"Yeah" I mumbled, fiddling with the lose threads on my ripped jeans. It saddened me to think I was losing the one person who has been through everything with me.

"I wish I could do something, Sammy, but I can't" he said, his voice cracking. His blue eyes flooded with pain as he looked at me. I felt like breaking into tears, but I stayed strong, for him. It wasn't any less harder for him.

"We've met up at this bench many years now?" I asked him, a small smile on my face.

"13 years" he smiled, reminiscing, just as I was.

"16 years of friendship, coming to an end." I muttered, broken, kicking some sand with my shoes. "That's not something that sits well with me" I just watched the waves glide onto the sand, darkening it, then washing away many grains away with it. The waves felt like a second hand on a clock, each one signifying a second closer to losing Kyan.

"I have a gift for you" he spoke up. I blinked away the forming tears and looked at him. He gave me a small smile before closing the gap between us and placing his soft lips on mine.

The kiss was driven on pain, and my heart beat rapidly as I responded. This was my first kiss, and by far, probably the best. It finally happened, me kissing Kyan. I've always wanted to do that, but the fear of ruining our friendship always held me back. I moved my lips against his, savoring every millisecond of it.

He stopped, and pulled slightly back, just enough for him to place his forehead on mine.

"You've always told me that you wanted a special first kiss, one that would me magical and great. Not too much saliva, not being choked on a tongue, but perfect," He whispered, looking into my eyes and then looking back up at me. "I want that for you too, and I didn't want to leave you to be kissed by someone else who may or may not fulfill that wish," he sighed. I couldn't hold it any longer, I let the tears fall and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Samantha Jenna Holland," he whispered into my ear "that was my gift to you. I want you to know that you'll always be in my heart, even if I am on the other side of the world, I'll be thinking of you, and only you. I love you." he said. I could literally hear the tearing pain in his voice.

"Kyan Nolan Johnson," I said, pulling back and looking into his blue eyes. "I love you so much, and I feel as though my heart just got bulldozed, but I'll always be thinking of you. I'm going to miss you" I sobbed, before pressing my lips onto his. This kiss was much more fierce, and I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me close, pressing me up against him.

And then he pulled back.

"I have to leave for the airport in an hour" he said dejectedly. I just watched as he got up and away, each step causing me to believe the reality more. I was losing my best friend, who I've known for 16 years. I was losing the guy who I thought would one day become more than a friend, and with that kiss, I believed there could have been a possibility. I was losing Kyan forever.

And he had given me the best gift possible. My first kiss, at the age of 16. And there was no ways to contact him. He said they were starting fresh, his mother, who'd recently come out of rehab, was determined to erase the past.

Which included me.

I sunk to the sand and cried my eyes out once he was out of sight.

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