4. The Text & The Tabloids

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Pic of Lockhart (played by Jesse Williams) (idk how to add a new cast member :()

Chapter 4

Noel was in a photoshoot when he suddenly heard his phone buzzing. His photographer huffed in annoyance, seeing that as another distraction in their schedule. Lockhart brought over Noel's phone to give to him but, seeing the grumpy look on the photographer, Noel reluctantly dismissed.

"Who's it from?" he quickly asked before Lockhart disappeared behind the curtains again.

"The number reads unknown, Mr Michaels." he stated formally, causing Noel to feel icky. Him and Lockhart were very good mates, but as he was still Noel's manager, in public, Lockhart addressed him like that. To have an appearance of professionalism, as Lockhart stated, very much to Noel's distaste. He also felt worried that his number had been leaked again by a crazed fan, causing him to receive such a text.

"What does it say?" Noel dared to ask, throwing an apologetic look at the photographer. Lockhart glanced at the screen and frowned, confused at what he read.

"It's Brownie?" Lockhart read out as though he was asking Noel a question, and then looked at Noel and shrugged. Noel, on the other hand, froze up, his heart doing a little jump of excitement.

"Give me 5." he quickly told the photographer, and then ran off the stage and towards Lockhart. The photographer grumbled some things and sat down, taking out his phone to occupy the wasted time. Noel grabbed the phone out of Lockhart's hand, and, upon seeing the text himself, grinned, much to Lockhart's confusion.


When Monday finally rolled around, the bitterness of having to clear out my office space collapsed on me. I woke up feeling like a toad, very unexcited about having to see Mr Raymond's smug, little face. There seemed to be a magnetic connection between me and my bed that morning, as it seemed almost impossible for me to unglue my self from my soft duvet. After another hour of aimlessly laying in my bed, I realised I couldn't procrastinate any longer. Groaning, I willed myself to roll out of my warm bed, and coincidentally, landed on the cold, hardwood floor.

When I finally managed to dawdle into my bathroom, and get myself cleaned up and looking presentable, I began to wander about what to wear. Was there a dress code of what to wear to clear out your office desk? Technically, it didn't matter, because I was already fired. With this problem in my mind, I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled it open. Whatever I chose to wear would reflect on how I was doing after the firing. At first, I thought of wearing drab clothing, and look close to homeless, but quickly realised how happy it'd make Mr Raymond to see me looking shit. So then I thought of going all out, and show them that I was absolutely coolies without them.

I grabbed a tight-fitting blue dress that reached down to the floor, something much more appropriate for evening wear. I straightened my hair and put on some smouldering makeup. The strapless dress made me look elegant, and not to brag, quite pretty too. With the subtle sparkle that the dress held, it was eye catching, and hopefully gorgeous enough for Mr Raymond to feel bad that I was no longer his business partner.

As I waltzed out into the kitchen, Cassidy looked at me and did a double take.

"Woah, someone's got a hot date." she teased, and I dismissed her.

"Actually I'm just going down to my office to pick up my stuff" I said, picking up my plate of pancakes and began eating my breakfast. Cassidy frowned at me.

"You seem a little dressed up for someone who's just going to clear their desk after they got fired" she stated blandly, but I smiled.

"That's exactly the point. Lincoln will know how fine I am with being fired" I told her giddily, twirling a strand of my hair as I ate my food. The frown on Cassidy's face just deepened as she stared at me.

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