2. The Famous & The Mystery Girl

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Chapter Two

(Pict. of Noel >>>)

"That's great" I said sarcastically, ignoring his outstretched hand and finishing my drink. I looked away and watched people dance to the music. I glanced around, trying to spot Cassidy in the crowd, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I sighed and turned back to the guy, or as he said, Noel, and rolled my eyes.

"Look, I'm not interested in you, FYI. You seriously suck at picking up signals" I sighed, sliding my empty wine glass away from me. He looked amused and then shook his head, flipping his hair out of his eyes.

"So you're not going to tell me your name?" he asked. I shook my head and stood up, straightening my dress. I walked away from him, but was stopped when a hand wrapped around my wrist. I didn't think this guy would be this desperate. I looked down at the hand and looked back at him over my shoulder. He smirked at me and then turned back at the bartender. "A bottle of beer for me and a glass of Virgin Mary for the lady please" he said. I frowned and slowly turned around and sat back down on the stool.

"Uh, thank you" I said awkwardly, taking the glass from the bartender, and then looked suspiciously at Noel. I slowly took a sip, waiting for Noel to explain what was going on, but he just looked at me curiously." There is only a level of creepy that I can tolerate, but you're just being plain perverted" I said, tired of him staring at me. I think he realised that he was getting on my nerves, and it seemed to amuse him. All his actions turned into slow motion, like he was purposely wasting my time. "Ass." I grumbled, getting up and walking away from the table.

I shoved past a group of young guys and made my way to the bathrooms at the back of the club. At first, I considered going and joining all the guys on the dance floor, as it looked like it could be fun, but then I noticed a guy puking right in the middle of the dance floor and that thought left.

Still sipping on the glass of wine, I noticed a guy blocking the entrance of the ladies bathroom. I cleared my throat. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow, looking me up and down. Jutted my chin in a motion, gesturing that it was obvious that I wanted him to move.

But he was thick skulled, obviously, as he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Excuse me, dude with blue hair, could you let me through to the bathroom" I said, my voice fighting with the sound of the music. He turned around again, fixing his leather jacket, and just smirked at me. Giving up, I turned around and smashed right into someone's chest. They smelt good, I must admit, the perfect amount of sweet and spicy. I looked up to see Noel, and internally growled at how persistent he was.

"Can we dance?" He half-shouted over the music. I had just opened my mouth to answer, but he took my hand and dragged me onto the dance floor. I tried prying my hand away from his grip, but he didn't seem to let go.

He suddenly stopped walking without warning and I slammed into his back, my head zapped with a second of pain. I rubbed my head and frowned at him as he turned around. He took my hands in his and pulled me closer, not too close that we were intimate, but close enough for other guys to back off. His eyes reflected all the lights as his gaze studied my face.

I'm not going to lie, his features looked stunning. The blue in his eyes seemed to shine brighter and his black hair seemed so ... stroke-able. Something in the way he looked at me made my heart jolt. We swayed to the soft music, and slowly, I became more free to do so, my movements no longer stiff and refined. I laughed as he twirled me around and pulled me back into his chest.

"Never thought you could dance" I heard him say, but he immediately shut up like he regretted it.

"What do you mean! You don't even know my name!" I shouted mockingly, and he just smirked.


Noel missed this. He missed having the freedom of not having an identity. He knew it sounded weird, but since he'd hit jackpot in the business industry, seldom did he have the freedom to just go out and have fun, without the news going crazy.

He had a weird attraction to the girl he was dancing with. He liked how she rejected him. Again, he mentally laughed.

What kind of a nitwit would feel glad to be rejected?

But again, being rejected made him feel like a normal 25 year old. It's what happens to young men. They get rejected, but in their case, it made them depressed.

In Noel's case, it made him feel brilliant.


"So, you come here often?" I asked him, but he shook his head, flashing me a dimpled smile.

"This the first time I've gone out in a year, technically " he chuckled. I quirked an eyebrow and scanned him, focusing on how expensive his dress-up was. He definitely looked like the type to be partying every night.

"I would be surprised, but it's my first time going 'out' in a year" I responded. He narrowed his eyes in a questioning manner.

"Really?" He seemed very surprised. I nodded in response. We carried on, dancing to the now upbeat music, until Noel suddenly dropped my hands.

"I have go, I'm sorry" he said, frantically glancing at something/someone over my shoulder. I turned around, but I wasn't sure what had stolen his attention amongst the mass of bodies. "I didn't catch your name" he quickly asked. I took my fingers and motioned a zip closing my lips.

"And it will stay that way" I uttered, winking and walking away. He didn't really seem like someone I'd like to get caught up with.


Noel's eyes followed the mystery girls behind, watching her hips swing as she sauntered away and into the crowds. He really wanted to follow her, and talk to her, maybe prod a name out of her, but he couldn't.

His girlfriend was here. And she was making her way towards him. Her bright red dress wasn't nearly as teasing as the little black dress the other girl was wearing. He forced the images of the other girl out of his mind and forged a smile on his face as Felicia, his girlfriend, approached.

"Babe!" she exclaimed, running into his arms.


I awoke the next morning,early in the morning, and ran to the bathroom, massaging the face cream onto my pale, blotchy skin. I groaned as I undid the tangled in my hair and brushed my teeth, not really in the mood to go to...

Wait, I'd lost my job.

Yes, it was Saturday morning, but I was still required for work. For the first time since I was fired, I didn't feel as terrible as I should. Maybe staying in on a Saturday morning was actually amazing. I donned a smile and ran back to bed, hopping under the covers.


It was late into the afternoon when I woke up again. I let out a huge yawn, feeling pleasure wash over me as I heard the sound of my bones cracking as I stretched. I threw my hair into a messy bun and headed down to the kitchen, catching a whiff of cooking food.

"Look who's finally taking advantage of Saturday mornings" Cassidy greeted, flipping another pancake. She turned around and gave me a pleased smile, and I returned it with a lazy one. Pulling out a stool from under the bench, and plonked onto into. Out of curiosity, I picked up one of Cassidy's trashy magazines, looking for something to occupy myself with whilst breakfast cooked. Looking at the cover of W Magazine, I frowned at the subheading.

"Noel Michaels on his fame and fortune at only 25" I read out, looking at the blown up picture of him on the centre of the page. Even with all the photoshop, I knew immediately was the same guy from the bar.

"Omg, rumour has it that he was at Olympus last night" Cassidy exclaimed, hearing me read. "I wish I'd seen him!"

"Rumour was correct" I mumbled.

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