6. The Emojis & The Calls

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Cassidy almost strut out of her room the next morning, a smirk on her face that was very telling that she had gotten laid the night before. I rolled my eyes at her unprecedented happiness, to which she just scoffed. I kept eating my breakfast and hunted for a job. Even though I'd gone back to ignoring her, Cassidy scoffed again, this time louder, like she wanted my attention. Of course, I looked at her with a wry gaze.

"What?" I bit out, pausing my job search online to focus on her immaturity.

"I feel bad for you." She just said like no big deal, plopping down beside me on a chair. My eyes narrowed at her, my insides rumbling to know more. She slyly kept eating, baiting me to further question her on this statement, but I went back to scrolling through job offers. That idea lasted three seconds, as the curiosity was killing me. I sighed.

"Why?" I groaned out, and received a smile from her.

"That boy from last night told me his friend has a crush on you, Noel Michaels dances with you, the cute pizza boy drools at you and here you are, looking at jobs." She simply said. Biting into my pancake and slowly chewing it, I processed her pitiful words. Only after I swallowed that bite did I speak again.

"The pizza boy does not drool at me," I began, rolling my eyes, "And what's so bad about being work oriented?" I defended, getting up to wash the dishes. Cassidy grunted in response, but that wasn't enough for me. I walked right over to the bench and leaned over her, levelling my head to her eyes. She widened her eyes at how intensely I stared at her, my scrutinising gaze enough to get the message across.

"Well, if I were you, I'd be ballin, yet you're moping about being single all the time." She admitted before walking off to the bathroom. That girl was my best friend for just that reason, her unapologetic honesty, and though it annoyed me to no ends, I appreciated it. I picked up her dirty plate and cleaned up after her, as I usually did.

"Well, I'm waiting for the perfect one!" I shouted after her. She stuck her head out right before she shut the door.

"Lower your standards, perfect doesn't exist! " she chimed, before slamming the door shut. I just rolled my eyes.

Of course perfection existed, I'd experienced it before, in many other fields of my life. My family, my experiences, my jobs, I found perfection in many places. I even thought I'd found the perfect partner. The only thing wrong with that ideal is that it was quite easily broken down, as just when you thought you'd found perfection, something raptured it.

But I was adamant to give up. Grunting at her childishness, I scrolled through the internet, looking for a suitable job for me where my previous experience would come in handy.

"Events Manager?" It was a job title that sprung out at me. Looking at the fine print, I was intrigued, and decided to dial the number listed below it. As I drew out my phone, the text from 'Mike' floated on the screen, taunting me.

You're a tease, Brownie. Not like any girl I've met.

The words distracted me from the purpose of my use of the phone. Clicking open that text, mind became void of any thoughts of the job as I thought of an interesting response. Tapping my nails on the table, I thought of words that would somehow give him that buzz of electricity his words gave me. I needed to fight fire with fire.

I like it that way ;)

I hit send, ignoring the niggling voice in my head that told me I had crossed into dangerous territory with that winking face. That realisation really settled into me once that whole message and completely sent and there was no way back. I dropped the phone onto the bench I was seated at cursed at myself for the stupidity I'd allowed to overcome me. I'd sound flirty now, which was in no way my intention.

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