11. The Panic & The Potions

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As he walked onto the interview set, the fake smile automatically slipped onto his face. The cheering was deafening, and it somewhat alleviated the tiredness he felt from the lack of sleep. Around him, there were arrays of bright lights, shining onto the stage where he hugged the presenter.

"Welcome, Welcome Noel!" James Corden smiled at him, as he thankfully smiled and waved at the loud crowd. As they finally silenced, he took a seat beside the host and took a sip of water.

"It's lovely to see you again, Noel! How have you been?" James burst, a cheery smile directed to him. Noel nodded.

"Well, thanks for having me back, it's an absolute pleasure! I've been busy, you know, with the movie -- and now I'm writing a new album." He replied, and crowd begun to cheer again, to which he just chuckled.

"New music from Mr Michaels? That's got to be exciting -- what will this new album feature?"

"I think  would say it's got more of a personal undertone to it, sort of inspired by me and the different stages of me." Noel simply answered, Lockhart's advice to keep it short and sweet ringing at the back of his mind. Even as he talked, he didn't know if he was fully there. He was worn out from the late night at the studio. 

"And, you girlfriend, who is famously Felicia Dixon, will she get a mention in the album?" James asked, as Noel paused for a moment, looking at the way the watch on his wrist glinted under the studio lights. In honesty, this album had become  more about the truths of his life, the things that still made him Kyan, not Noel. But he couldn't say that. 

"The themes in this album won't be as overt, I think. You know, I'll let people interpret it as they wish when they hear it. I think the best way to listen to music is to let yourself find a meaning." Noel simply responded, earning a hearty laughter from James' part. During the ad break, when the mikes turned off, James went backstage for a quick refreshment. In that moment, Noel slipped his phone out quickly. He clicked on that number that he found solace in these days, a friend. 

Sorry for my absence recently, have been busy. 

He didn't know why, but for some reason, he felt that Mandy deserved an apology. It had been a week since they'd last spoken, and she was the last to reply. It wasn't as though he'd forgotten about her; those eyes tortured every second of his existence. It was more that he didn't want to tell  her that he was too scared to break up with Felicia. Also, it scared him a little that he'd become so drawn to someone who was nothing but a face and a name to him. With that short response, he slipped the phone back into his pocket and quickly fixed his hair before the show went back on air. 


"But why... why are you drunk then if you're pregnant?" I inquired, completely rattled by Cassidy's  sudden admission. She looked like the personification of a mess in that moment: with rustled up blonde hair dangling untidily and her makeup stained on her face, melting like a Dali painting. 

"I thought maybe I just felt sick all this week because of the shitty pizza I had on Tuesday, and that maybe getting drunk would make me feel better. And then I thought maybe I just was sick all of tonight because I just had too much to drink. But I just i I just didn't even think about it until I saw a pregnant woman on the way home," she sobbed hysterically through her words, her voice somewhat muffled as she cupped her face in her hands. 

"But maybe you're not pregnant, you haven't even taken a--" Cassidy knew what I was about to say, and cut me off my vigorously shaking her head.

"I took a test on the way home." she whimpered out, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes. I blinked at her and sat down beside her, pulling her head onto my shoulder and patting her head comfortingly. 

"Do you know who the father is, sweet?" I asked soothingly. She indicated 'no' by shaking her head, then continued to cry even harder. I heaved out a sigh.

"It's okay. I'm here for you. I'll be an amazing Aunt." As I said that, Cassidy chuckled slightly. But it was clear from her slumped posture and raced breaths that she was far from okay. 

That night, I coaxed her to sleep, helping her get undressed and then cleaning her up. Her persona was completely muted, which was completely contrasted the bubble of light she usually was. Seeing her that way just made my heart ache even more. After she was sound asleep, I went back to my room and let myself break down. Shoulders slumping, I begun to cry, which I couldn't do in front of Cassidy. I even sobbed as I put my own nightwear on and tucked myself into my bed, burying my head into the pillow. 

I wasn't expecting to become so emotional, but seeing her torn up like that genuinely broke my heart. She had always been the strong one in our 5 year friendship. And now... 

I was so worried about her, it was shocking. Cassidy's sudden pregnancy even reminded me of my own nieces and nephews that I hadn't seen in eons, it felt like. It was as though seeing the strongest person in my life crumble suddenly made me give in to all the sadness I'd been suppressing for a while. The last few weeks haven't been easy, and in my new job I felt completely alone. It made me suddenly realise that without Cassidy, I was alone. It made me remember how depressed I'd become when Kyan left, how alone I was then. Every since moving away from my family, I barely saw them. I remembered the last time I saw my sister-in law was when she had a miscarriage. 

I cried and cried until suddenly I heard a chime of my phone. Though I felt annoyed that someone was texting me at midnight, I turned around and looked at the screen. I had to wipe the tears away from my eyes to be able to see what was on the screen. Sniffling, my heart did a little leap when I read the name 'Mike'. I thought he'd finally had enough of me. The message was a short apology, which somewhat calmed me. My mind flashed back to when he called me in a moment of anxiety, knowing that I was too detached from him to do anything about his hidden truths. 

I suddenly realised what my potion was to my sudden wave of panic and sadness, and without thinking I dialled his number. 


"And so yeah, it was the first time I felt any sort of love towards another person." Noel explained to James. As James begun to ask another question, the sudden noise of a ringtone disrupted the the interview, which made the him go completely red. 

"I'm so sorry, I thought I'd turned that off..." He trailed off as he looked at the ID on the screen. His voice suddenly faded as he stared at Mandy's name floating on the screen, without any pictures. For a moment, he wasn't in that interview, as his heart craved to answer the call.

"I'm sorry, is that an important call?" James' intervention made him blink and suddenly end the call. His heart shattered as he turned the phone to silent and turned back to James, slipping a smile back onto his lips.

"Yeah, that was sort of important. I'll call back later." He tried to sound smooth, but even as  he said those words, he felt the phone vibrating in his pocket again. James didn't seem to notice, and continued questioning him. From that point onwards, his was only half in the studio, as, in the back of his head, he was waiting for the interview to be over. Even 5 minutes later, the phone rung again, and it pulled so strongly at his heart strings that he felt nauseous. 

"Well, thanks for being here Noel Michaels! And that's it for the Late Late Show, I'm you show James Corden, Goodnight!" He announced into a camera, and the lights in the studio faded as people begun to pile out. Noel swiftly stood up, but his exit was cut short at the sound of James' voice. 

"Better get back to your call." He quipped, and Noel sighed.

"I'm so sorry about that, I really didn't realise that I'd left my phone on. I'm beyond embarrassed, James, I hope you understand." He earnestly replied, and James smiled back, knowing it was a mistake. As he ran out of the studio, he grabbed his phone out of the pocket and was shocked to see the 4 missed calls from his  Brownie. He became worried as he quickly called back and prayed that she pick up. The minute he heard her answer, he dashed let out a string of apologies. 

"I'm so so so so soooo sorry, Brownie. I was in an interview and I swear I didn't mean to ignore you calls, I just couldn't answer in that moment. I hope everything is alright, though? Are you okay?" He rushed out. As he stormed passed Lockhart, there was confusion on his face as to why Noel looked so worried, but he indicated that he needed to talk on the phone. 

"Noel? Noel I feel so alone. I'm having a panic attack." 

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