Chapter 6 (Unedited)

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Ecaterina's POV...

"Like seriously! Why did he do that to me?! Is he try to flirt with me?!" I slammed my bedroom door and slumped myself onto my bed. Luckily, sis wasn't home this time while I continue to rant on. "Ugh! So annoying!" I rolled into a ball and moved around in my bed.

'Just because he may be good looking doesn't mean he can flirt so carefreely.' I stopped and held a pillow in front of my face. "Isn't that right?" I looked at it waiting for an answer. "This is stupid I'm wasting my time." I place the pillow back where it belongs and got up.

"How strange. My heart seems to be beating faster. I guess I am still tired from the run oh well time to do some training." I got up from my mattress and proceeded out of my room completely unaware of my feelings.


A week. No, 4 days until we get Moscow for the competition. The Worlds Junior is going to be held 7 days from now and time is short for practising. The practice has been harder than ever and lets me tell you, I have improved my jumps and spins.

I can spin faster and last for a longer time, my jumps are higher and my combinations are almost flawless but not good enough.

"принцесса, do you need any help?" Viktor skated to my side after I attempted a quadruple lutz which I did well instead of the landing part. I was still a bit wobbly if you ask me.

"One, don't call me принцессa. Two yes I do need some help." I said honestly. His lips curled up and his eyes sparkled when I said that. 'I wonder why. Not any of my business so why should I care.' I mentally rolled my eyes in my mind.

"Великий (Great)! So what do you need help with?" He asks with his head tilted to the side. 'Tch, how annoying.'

"You know exactly what I need help with," I looked at him irritatedly," you know what? If you are going to continue and play dumb then nevermind." I spun around and got ready to leave until I felt Viktor's hand on my left shoulder. My eyes widen by the fact and turned my head around. "Who gave you permission to touch me." I said with venom before making a sharp turn hoping my ponytail will give him a good slap across the face.

Third Person's POV...

The ponytail slap did work but Viktor was still there sniffing the air. 'The fresh scent of spring.' Does spring even have a specific smell? Well, to Viktor it did. It certainly did. "Viktor! What are you fooling around for!" Yakov yelled all the way from the other side.

Ecaterina's POV...

'Annoying annoying annoying!' I performed a double salchow, which I have to say I landed pretty hard. 'Ugh! Whoever gave him permission to call me принцессa!' I lifted up my left leg and held the metal part of my skating shoe to perform a biellmann spiral.

'1... 2... 3...' I let go of my blade and felt proud of myself. Clap.. Clap.. Clap.. My eyes widen when I head slow clapping coming from the rink-side. 'It can definitely not be anyone that I know of. Are v-'

"Yakov you never told me you got a new student." A feminine voice made its way to my ears. 'I wonder who it could be but that voice sounds oddly familiar.' "It was about time you got a new student and she's a talented one too." I stopped where I was and was about to turn around until Viktor magically appeared at my side.

"Her name is Svetlana Snopitskiya and she is one of Yakov's students." He said when I finally saw the tall brown haired woman talking to Yakov. "She was taking a time out from skating to decide whether or not if she would continue figure skating but now it looks like she's back for some more."

'Hmm, I see now. It's finally time she made an appearance.' "Well, it's quite surprising," Viktor looked at me confused," I'm impressed you know her since the first time I came here you didn't know Yakov had more students besides you." I turned my head away from him and was about to leave until he grabbed my shoulder.

"принцессa, why are you avoiding me?" His statement made my body tensed for a second. "Did I do something wrong?" I tried my best to control my anger. "If I did please forgive me, принцессa."

Third Person's POV...

"What are my Королева (Queen) and принцесс (Princesses) doing?" Artur finally made is way outside to the garden to see a crying Ecaterina and a worried looking Королева and принцесс. "What happened?" He asks his wife as he made his way to Ecaterina slowly so he won't slip on the ice.

"She attempted a double axel but failed when she landed. The moment you came she started to cry." Annabel said with her eyes looking at Artur picking up Ecaterina up.

"Королевa, принцесс, I think you should leave now before Lilia gets angry. You know how she gets."


He cut Lidiya off the sentence. "принцесс," He looked at her with loving eyes," I'll take care of this."

Ecaterina's POV...

"Don't you ever call me принцесс," I said firmly," and don't you dare touch me." I sent a deadly glare at him before skating off the ice and hurriedly taking off my skates and shoving them in my bag.

"Ugly, I'm leaving. I already practised 4 hours straight and I'm tired!" I yelled at Ugly who was still exchanging words with Svetlana. Before he could say anything, I was already gone.


'Tired? Ha! What a joke.' I thought back to that evening asI got into my bath tube. I had just returned from a long tiring run and decided to go for a bathe. "What to do what to do," I pondered out loud when a sudden whish of boredom overcame me. "I haven't been on Instagram lately. I wonder what's going on." I got up from the tube and wrapped a towel around me to go into my bedroom, which was connecting with my personal bathroom I was in, to get my phone.


"Now this is the life." I scrolled down then came across a post which was a picture of Viktor skating with his long grey hair down. 'How pretty. Wait, what am I thinking about!' My eyes widen by my own thought. 'Why am I even... UGH!' I scrolled down and was about to see another post but I stopped the last minute to read the caption.


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