Chapter 7 (Unedited)

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Ecaterina's POV...

I silently observed Viktor as he does his signature jump; quadruple flip. He had his hair tied in the usual ponytail but all I could do was stare at it as I did my usual stretches. 

"He has pretty hair doesn't he?" I heard a person said behind me. "It's such a shame that he is going to cut it after the Junior Worlds." I looked as Svetlana made her way to my side and started her stretches beside me.

"So what. It's not like it's my hair." I did a split and brought my upper body to the ground without a hitch. 'It honestly didn't. Why should I even care it's none of my business of anything.' I got up and decided to end my stretches a bit earlier than usual to put on my skating shoes and not talk to anyone.

"My name is Svetlana Snopitskiya and you are?" She got up and held up her left hand for me to shake.

"Ecaterina Yurievna." Before I could even bring my hand up to her's, she grabbed my two hands and held it in hers while her hazel eyes dazzled brilliantly.

"Really?! I never met a Yurievna in my life! I'm such a fan of your father and your mother is sooooo pretty!" She continued on and on about my family back in those old times. 'Ugh, fans. ' "But you are from the Yurievna family right? It's such a shame that your parents died." She let go of my hands gently and heart. "It's so sad. I'm sorry for your lost." She looks away dejectedly.

'There's no need to say anything. That was a long time from now." I sat down on the metal bench and zipped open my duffle bag to bring out a pair of white skating shoes. 'It's all history now. They are gone and there is nothing I can do about it.' 

"But it's still so sad." She started to shed fake tears as I did my laces. 'There are such weird people in this world.' I turned my head away from her and rolled my eyes so she won't notice nor get offended by my act.

'Finally!' I got up and removed my skating guides before stepping into the ice. The exhilaration ran through my veins at every step I took. After all, figure skating was my passion and my life. I would never be able to live without it.

 Third Person's POV...

'She's such an intriguing girl I must say.' Svetlana wiped away the tears that she had shed and continued to stretch. She looked as Ecaterina performed a triple lutz soon followed by a butterfly jump then turning it into a camel. 'Intriguing and talented.' A smile made its way up to Svetlana's mouth as she continued to observe her. 'But her skills needs some polishing up.' Her smile soon turned into a frown as she stood up and made her way to Yakov.

"So what do you think of Ecaterina?" Yakov asks as he looked at Ecaterina with his arms crossed. She was performing the first half of her program which she shall be using in the competition. It was the same program from when she showed everyone she was made out of but there will be some changes to fit the required amount of spins and jumps for the World Junior Figure Skating Competition.

"She? Pay attention to her more." She turned her body away from Yakov and started to go straight to the changing room. It was such a shame to have her leave so suddenly since she did only arrive a second before but now she's gone and there's no helping it. 

As Yakov looked at Ecaterina and Viktor doing their usual argument, he started to take what Svetlana said into consideration. 

Later on in that very same day, Ecaterina was accompanied by Viktor to the short journey to go back home. 

Ecaterina's POV...

"Great, I'm home now so bye." I said with the 'bye' part a bit louder when I reached the front door. It was now 9 and I was starving to death. The trip home was not peaceful like it used to be since there was an annoying bubble head following me home.

"Okay so bye!" I quickly shoved the key in and opened the door to rush inside and succeeded but Viktor's foot blocking the door from closing. 

"Aren't you going to invite me inside?" He asks with a smile on his face. "I'm still in my training gear and I'm getting cold." 

"Then why do you have to think coats over you!" 'Just please leave for crying out loud!' 

"Ecaterina what do you think you are doing?" I froze in my spot and was unable to move. "Let him in now." Sis commands. 'I bet she's making that face again.' I let go of the door and walked two steps away for Viktor to make his way in. "Now that's better." She returned to her normal self right when she heard Viktor closed the door with a click.

"So are you two coming to eat?" She turned around and walked to the dining room as I followed her. "You're lucky I made extra today." I slumped myself onto my usual seat as Viktor scanned my house with his observing eyes. 

"Sit." I demanded him. He soon took a seat next to me but before I could even open my mouth, sis came back with two plates of food and cutlery in hand.

"I hope you like it Viktor." With that, she left me alone with a dumb ball.

"вкусно (Delicious)!" He said when he tasted the baked sweet potato fries. I looked at his happy face and thought,'It's just plain sweet potato cut into slices.' "вкусно (Delicious)!" Viktor said again when he place a small sliced piece of steak in his mouth. 'I swear if he does t-'  "вкусно (Delicious)!"

"I swear Viktor," I tried my best to contain my anger yet again," it' just steak, salad and baked sweet potato fries! What is there anything delicious about it?" I gripped my metal fork and knife tighter when I finally said that.

'Finally, silence.' I was now halfway done my meal when Viktor finished. "Where do I put this?" He asks. 

"The kitchen's sink." I pointed to the way to the kitchen and immediately he got up. His long grey hair swayed as he turned leaving a soft gush of wind hitting my hand. 'It is really such a shame that he would be cutting his hair after he wins the Grand Prix.' Even though the Grand Prix was only about two months away, it feels like it would be tomorrow.

I started to hear Viktor's footsteps as he started to make his way back. 'Should I ask him? It is really none of my business but yet..'

"Hey, Viktor." I put down my cutlery. "Why are you going to cut your hair when the Junior Worlds is over?" He looked at me with is eyes slightly widen to show more of his beautiful blue eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if he would laugh at me. It was a stupid question.

"It's only going to get in the way of my skating." He replied with a soft smile on his face. "So that's why I'm going to cut it." He finally returned to his normal carefree self; leaving me with a tick mark on the side of my head.

"But why? I think it looks great while you skate." I look back at my plate shyly before picking up my utensils. 

 "If you don't want it short then say so and I won't cut it all off." He sat down on the same chair and propped his elbow on the table and rested his chin on it. I widen my eyes when he said that. 'Really? But why? It's not like I have full control of his hair.' Just then I realised he was staring.

"Quit staring. Don't you know it's rude." I snapped at him. "Do whatever you want with your hair it's not like it's mine." I got up from my seat and took my empty plate and utensils into the kitchen to both clean and get away from Viktor. 'Why is it so hot in here?' I felt my cheeks when I place the plate down in the sink. 'I better not be getting sick the Junior Worlds is coming up.'

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