starry summer's love

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he watched her face
as bright as the moon they danced under.

she was his for their short time that summer.
a step across the sunflowers and a leap over the dandelions.

his heart swayed with the tall grass they laughed in,
and worries melted away with every sunset they watched.
and the stars burst open onto rolling blue velvet.

they lay together, trying to count every light they saw,
trying to imagine a life among the fireflies.

yet, they had to leave.
time is short and ticking.

and their short love had ticked away
that entire summer
spent together.

led astray;
i wander
out under blue skies
full of starry lies
blinding me from my finish line.

every yellow point
marks a hidden passion.
every second changing our positions.

yet, we still lay under
in grassy pastures
and dewy fields
trying to count the light
that orbits us.

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