Day Twenty-Four

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This was the fifth day, that I had spent all of my time my rifle in my hand patrolling the walls. All three of the others were out at the moment, they had left to help a small tribe called the Hidden Leaf, the tribe had been raided over night and all their supplies including the dino eggs had been stolen. So the others had flown out at first light to help them rebuild, the three factions were investigating trying to track down the thieves but no one had admitted to the crimes as of yet.

I was bored, I do not know if I have ever been this bored on any Ark, ever. I was leaning against the ramparts overlooking the bay, my rifle strapped to my back. I was rubbing the half healed wounds on my knuckles. I had watched the rest of my tribe go out on jobs, hunting and patrols, they had even taken Firewing with them to prevent me from leaving. We were still waiting to hear from Mejo, when would he send that letter, when would I be allowed to leave again.

The island was always quiet, no one ever bothered our tribe, the Nomads were peaceful and we served the rest of the community why would someone attack us. We have had our fair share of thieves but never a real attack, I sighed, the water in the bay shimmered, I turned my back on the water.

"Cradix?" I whispered into the air, "Are you ever coming home?" I asked, the wind whipped around me lifting my hair from my shoulders.

"No..." The words came to me.

"Why?" I asked.

The wind swirled before me, leaves and dust spinning in a cloud before the dust settled and he stood before me. "I will not come home until my work is done, there are more important things that need my attention at the moment," He stated, his normally smiling blue eyes had turned their angry steely grey, I dropped my gaze, I hated when he looked at me with anger.

"You once told me there was nothing more important than the tribe and that is why you did not want me to distract you." I whispered, my voice cracked, I blinked back the tears of pain.

"The tribe has others to look after it in my absence," He stated coldly, he looked out over the bay that I was supposed to be watching. "I have things to do Fang, I cannot be coming to you every time you miss my companionship," My fists clenched, and I ground my teeth together.

"Is that all we were?" I growled meeting his sideways glance. "Companions? I thought we were friends, I thought I meant more to you then just another tribe mate?" I sighed.

"This is why I pushed you away in the first place, you are a woman, unable to separate your duty from your heart." I had had enough of his high and mighty attitude, I swung, my open palm striking his cheek, I regretted what I had done the moment the slap rang out over the water. My hand stung, my heart was pounding, my jaw hung slack, I had not only struck my tribe leader I had slapped a Host.

A red outline of my hand began to grow on his cheek as he stared at me, I dropped to my knees, my eyes clamped shut so hard I thought they might seal shut. My whole body was shaking in fear, he could banish me from his Ark if he wanted to, with a single breath he could destroy me. I jumped when I heard the chuckle escape him, I was sure he was about to strike me down.

"So that is how you feel is it?" He asked, I looked up at him, he was rubbing his cheek and smiling down at me, his blue eyes back to their normal color. "I am sorry for the pain I have caused you, but remember you had my heart, and yet you went to Mejo before finding me," He said, his smile fading. He pulled me to my feet and exposed my beacon on my arm, I shuddered he was still going to destroy me.

"You had my heart, right here," He pressed his thumb against my beacon, "Right next to your own, but you did not realize it until that night in the rain, until my form attacked you and you gave it back." He let the pressure from my beacon, I gasped, what had he done, he lifted his own arm over mine and pressed our beacons together, I hissed in pain and glanced down again. My beacon was glowing red. "I need to you fetch something from the red obelisk for me, I will remove the pain once you have brought it to me," He whispered.

Ark - Survivors Lost In Time Book 2- Time of ThievesWhere stories live. Discover now