Chapter 15

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~Quincy J.

I woke up with Lani still in my arms. Somehow, Brianna got out of her crib. She climbs in bed and lays on the other side of my body. I smile. "Brianna." I say. "Daddy." I shake my head. "Happy Birthday baby." I say. Brianna smiles. When Lani got up, she attacked Brianna with kisses. "Happy Birthday love!" She smiles. "Tank You mommy." Brianna getting big. Three years old. Damn.

After we were all dressed, we went out to eat. Brianna ate mad pancakes. "I full daddy." She says poking her tummy. I smirk and take a sip of juice. Lani has been hella quiet. I look at her, her brown eyes, weren't as brown as usual. They were dark, emotionless and stressed. I know I'm doing this to her. I shake my head. "We go to the party now?" Brianna ask. "Not yet Brianna." I tell her. Lani kept picking with her food. "LeLani." She looks up. "What's wrong baby?" I ask. Her eyes lightened up when I called her baby. "N-Nothing Q. Just tired." She answers. Lies. I need to know what's really wrong.

We had Brianna's party at Chuck E. Cheese. She was running around with her aunts and little cousins, playing games. Lani was talking to my mom, she was shedding tears. My mom sat next to her and hugged her. I feel a little hand tug my pants. I look to see Brianna. She had her little Timberlands in her hand. "Auntie say give to you." I nod and take them. She also gave me her sunglasses and jean vest. I put them in her bag, and she ran off. I shake my head. My mom called me over to them, I sat where my mom was before. "Quincy, Lani wants to tell you something." I look at her. She looks at her legs. "Lani, tell him." She sighs. "I-I'm pregnant Q." She looks at me. I just stared. "By who?" I ask. "Y-You." She stutters. "How I know?" I ask sipping my water. "Quincy, I'm three months. I've been with James for a month. It's yours." I shake my head. "How I know you weren't fucking with ole dude already?" I ask. "Quincy stop! I wouldn't cheat on you!" Lani looked hurt. She started crying. I sigh and hold her. I took her outside to my car. She sits in the passenger, crying. Hard. I don't see why she so upset? I'm now realizing, that Lani cries a lot! She need to suck it up a little.

I take her hand and hold it, seeing that promise ring twinkle on her finger. I'm old enough to marry her, I'm going to. One of these days. "Lani, stop crying. Suck it up babe. I know I shouldn't have pushed you that far." I say looking at her. I start the car, it's cold out this bitch today. "I love you LeLani." I say kissing her cheek. "I love you too Quincy." She says trying to stop the tears. Lani climbed in the seat with me. She hugs me. I hugged her back, I wanted to just hold her forever. We stayed hugged up for about twenty minutes, until I seen my mom telling us to come in from the window. "Come on Lani." She gets out and I follow her in. I grab her ass. She jumps and bites her lip.

After Brianna ate, had cake, and played some more, she came up to me whining. "Hush." I say grabbing her things. "Quincy." My dad calls me. I turn to him. "What?" I ask. "You still mad at me son?" He ask. I start walking, when I got to my car, he was still following me. I put Brianna in the car. She fell asleep immediately. "What you want man?" I ask zipping my sweater. "Why you got a problem with me?" He ask. "You raped my mama, beat her ass, and left us. You let my lil brother turn into a crack baby. I don't appreciate that shit. I don't want you around my daughter, but I put up with it cuz my ma. But, you, fuck you." I say looking dead in his eye, meaning every single word. "Quincy, I tried my best. You act like you ain't messed up with your little family with Lani." I look at him. "Yeah, I fucked up. But I never raped Lani, never beat on Lani, and I don't let Lani fuck shit up to Brianna, and our baby. I'm not going to. Unlike you, I'm being a man, even at my young age." I tell him. "You acting like you 16 son." He says. "I'm 26, It's not like you were there when you was my age. You knocked up my mom at 16, then left." I give him a straight face.

We finished talking, and Lani came out with bags. I get out to help her. She smiles. "Thanks babe."

When we got home, Lani took Brianna to bed. She comes in the bedroom with me and lays on me. "Well hello." I say looking at her. "Hi." She smiles. How did I not notice her tiny baby bump? I put my hand on my stomach. "I can't believe this is happening again." She says. "Can we make it our last?" Lani ask. "Nope. I want six, we ain't stopping until six." She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Fr?" She ask. I nod. "Dead serious Lani. The more the better." I tell her. "Can we get married before we have anymore?" Lani ask playing with my hand. "I need to get that together don't I." She nods. "Alright, I got you babe." I say smiling.

"DADDY!" Brianna screams waking me up. I jump out of bed and scurry to her room. She was crying and sweating. I pick her up. She hugs my neck and her sweat soaks my neck. She kept crying. "What happened Bri?" I ask. "B-Bad dweam." She says. "About what?" I ask. "Y-You left again. Never leave us daddy. Mommy be cwazy." She wipes her tears. "What does she do?" I ask. "She huwt hewself. Make hewself bweed." I try to translate her sentence into english. "She hurts herself?" I ask. She nods. "Come on, You can sleep in our room." She laid in front of Lani I held Lani's waist. I look at her arms, she has been cutting herself. Hm.

The next morning, Lani was up and cooking. I was watching her. I just want to know why she is cutting herself, it better not be over me either. "Lani, come here." I say locking my phone and putting it on the marble top counters. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. "Yes Quincy?" She ask. "Why you been cutting yourself?" I was getting mad, I had no sympathy, she was trying to kill herself. And leave Brianna alone, and me too. "W-What?" She ask. "Playing dumb will make me angrier. Answer my question." I growl. "I-I felt like I wasn't worth life anymore." Lani answers looking at her feet. "Look at me." I say. LeLani looks up. "If you ever, think about killing yourself again, I'ma really never forgive you LeLani. You can't do this to yourself. It hurts me that you even cut yourself. What else did you do? And tell me the truth." She looks at her feet again. "Ma eyes up heya." Accent. Lani looks up. "I took a bottle of painkillers and sleep meds. They had to pump my stomach." I look down at the floor. "Are you serious?" I ask. She nods.

"Lani, who made you feel worthless?" I ask. "You." She whispers. The whole world seemed to stop. Fuck.

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