Chapter 51

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I woke up in the room by myself. I heard the shower running, so I got up and went in the bathroom with Medie. I opened the shower causing her to get scared. "Get out, cook me breakfast, and get ready to go somewhere." I tell her while she turns off the water and steps out. "You could speak more respectfully Quinn damn." I roll my eyes and slam the door behind me. I went to Mya's room. I gave her a bath and dressed her in some little sweats and her Jordan 5's. I put her in the playpen in the living room.


I watched Quinn drive. We had already dropped Mya off at his parents, so now I was curious where we was going. "Quinn?" He looks at me. "Yea?" He ask looking back at the road. "Where we going?" I ask looking down at my phone. "Gun range." I sigh. "I don't wanna go there!" Quinn smirks. "You'll have fun." I look at him. "No, I won't ugh..." I whine. "Don't whine like a bitch!" I smirk. "Shut the fuck up."

I walked into the range, and literally my stomach turned. "You alright baby?" Quinn pulls me in his embrace. "My tummy hurts." I whine in his chest. He put his arms around me and talked to the man at the desk. After a few hours, I was holding a gun, stomach still hurting, and shaking. The backfire from these guns ain't no joke.

When we walked out, it was 8 at night. "You had fun didn't you?" He ask unlocking the truck doors. "Yea, except Im really hungry." I tell him climbing in and putting on my seatbelt. "What you want to eat lil mama?" Quinn ask starting up the truck and pulling out the parking lot. " can we go to Chipotle!? Omg, I need some in my life right now!" Quinn looked over at me and laughed. "Alright hungry ass."

We sat in Chipotle looking out at the street watching people walk around. "Baby you seem happy." I tell him. "I am, other than the little shit from last night, Im good. Im clean Medie, cleaner than ever." I smile. "You know, Im sorry from last night too. I was having a mood problem." Quinn nods and took a massive ass bite from his bowl. "But Im the hungry one? Okay." I say laughing. "Shut up. I ain't ate since breakfast." He says looking back outside. "Quinn, I got a question." I speak looking at him. "Hmm?" He ask still in a gaze. "What if I told you I was pregnant?"


I stared at Medie. "Your not are you?" I ask. "Im not sure." I rub my face and look at her. "Medie, Mya not even one man. I can't have another kid." Medie looked down. "Im sorry." I grab my keys. "Come on."  I tell her. We went home and Medie was acting distant. "Baby come lay with me, stop playing." I say. Medie climbs in the bed and lays on my chest. "Ima still love you either way baby." I kiss her forehead.

"Hello?" I answer. "Quinn." My mom cries. "What's wrong?" I ask sitting up. "Your dad is in the hospital. H-He had a heart attack." My dad only 36 having heart attacks? What the fuck? "Im on my way mom." I get up and wake Medie. "Come on baby. My pops in the hospital!" She sits up. "Carry me." I put her on my back, put on my slides and grab Medie's pink bow Uggs and run to the car. "Baby stop running!" Medie whines from my back. I put her in the car and I headed to the hospital where my father was.

We walked in the waiting room and my mom was laying on my sister's shoulder. I sit down and hug my mom. "They said anything?" I ask. "No, I just don't understand. He not overweight, he don't have high blood pressure, he's not that old. I don't get it." My ma says shaking her head. "Everything will be alright Ma." I kiss her cheek. Medie sat in the corner falling back asleep.

In a hour or so, the doctor came out. "Well, he's stable, awake and talking. One at time. Visiting hours are over." I sigh. "We gone go mom. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" She nods and gets up going to the back. I woke Medie. "Yes?" She ask. "We going home ma."

The next morning, Medie came to me on the couch and laid on me. "Baby Im sickkkkkk" I look at Medie, she was looking to be shedding tears. "Why you crying?" I ask. "My throat hurts..." I pick her up and take her to our room. I went and got her medicine, and some tea. "Lay here, and relax. Try to sleep okay?" She nods. "Come lay with me." I shake my head. "I gotta take care of Mya. I can't get sick Medie." She groans and drinks her tea. "Please?" She begs giving me those damn puppy dog eyes. I hate when she do that shit, cause I can't say no. Like she hypnotized a nigga. "Alright." I got in the bed and put my arm around her. "Quinn, this your fault" She says. "How?" I ask. "Because it was cold yesterday... and you had me outside shooting." I smirk. "You coulda went inside"

We laid in bed almost all day. "Ima go see my dad Medie. Alright?" She was falling asleep so she just nodded. I grabbed my keys and Mya going to the hospital.

I walked in, and went through the process of finding my dad. I walked in his room and he was up watching tv. "Dad." He looks at me. "Wassup?" I come all the way in and sat in the chair next to my mom. "Hey ma." She took Mya and smiled. "You alright boss?" I ask. "Im cool. Confused, but Im cool." He responds. "Well, why you confused?" I ask. "How the hell Im this young going through this?" I shrug. "I don't know. You ask your doctor that?" HE shakes his head. "I ain't talking to that fuck boy bout shit." I shake my head. "You so damn stubborn. Shame." I say taking the remote. "Boy, put my remote down! Love and Hip Hop bout to come on." I look at my ma. "You got him watching Love and Hip Hop? Dad that's a bitch show." He looks at me. "Bullshit. They be on 100. It's funny." I shake my head and feel my phone vibrate. I look and see a text from Medie.

MyBabyMedie: My test positive...

I groan out loud. "Um?" My ma looks at me. "Nothing. I gotta go." I say standing up. "I'll keep Mya." I look at my dad. "But you always got her ma. She is my baby." I say. "So, she my grand-daughter. Bye." I look at my dad and he shrugged. "Alright ma. Bye. Love you." I kiss her cheek. Shook my dads hand and left.

I got home and Medie was on the couch with her legs crossed, no tv,no music nothing. Complete silence. "Medie." She looks at me. "Quinn, Im scared." I sigh. "Why?" She plays with her necklace.  "Because, I mean, Mya five months now, if Im a month pregnant they aint gone be to far apart." I sat next to her and put my arm around her. "Well what you wanna do?" Medie looks up at me. "Abortion." I stared at her. "Why?" Medie stands. "Because Quinn! Im not even married. I gave up my virginity and everything else! Ever since I got with you, my beliefs are all over the place!" She screams. "What you saying is, Im runing your life?" I ask. "No Quinn! Kindof, I don't know! Im not ready for a baby, Im 18! What the fuck!?" I just sat there. "Alright, well, if you decide to kill my child, don't bring your ass back to my fucking house." I open the door. "So you going or no?" I ask. "No! Oh my god." Medie sits back on the couch, and I shut the door. "Now, you'll have two kids, and not even be married." I shrug. "That type shit don't matter to me. I got my kids, rather Im married or not. Plus, I don't believe in you having to be married to have kids, because my mom and dad got five and they just got married." Medie gets up and goes to our room slamming the door.

I sat on the couch and let out a loud yell that was so necessary right now. Medie tripping, if she kill my seed, she bet not EVA call me again

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