Chapter 48

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I walked in the house with a few grocery bags. I seen Quinn passed out on the couch. I sigh and get the liquor off the coffee table, I took his blunts and threw away the needle off the floor. Quinn, he's getting depressed and turning towards drugs. I'm afraid he's going down his moms path. Quinn stayed alseep for hours, ans I got worried, I began checking his breathing. "Medie?" He mumbles. "Quinn get up honey. We need to talk okay? Is that okay?" I ask cautiously. "Yea." He rubs his eyes and looks at me. "Quinn honey, you need to go to rehab." I tell him. His eyes furrowed quickly. "No the hell I don't! I can stop when I want to!" He snaps. I relax my nerves, because I was close to hurting feelings. "Quinn, baby, please, do this for Us. Do this for your family." I ask with hopeful eyes. Quinn sighs. "Fine."

The next morning, I woke up and Quinn was already high off of some needle injected drug. "Quinn!" I yell. "Shhhh!" He says smiling at me. "Quinn this has to stop!" I say feeling like I was gonna break out in tears right then. "Shut up Medie! Im fucking grown!" I look away from him and go back into the bedroom where Mya was in bed, laying on her back, spread out like Quinn, and small snores were coming from her little agaped lips. I smile and kiss her forehead before showering.

I got dressed in sweats and drove Quinn to the rehab center. "Medie, im not staying here." I just rolled my eyes and sped up the car. When I dropped him off, he kissed me and Mya then left into the center. I hope he get it together.

Later that night, I was laying down in bed, Mya was sitting up playing with her stuffed dog. I started hearing noise, but I thought I was trippin' cause I had just watched this scary movie. But then the doorknob jiggled. "Medie open the door!" It was Quinn. What the hell? I get up and open it. "Quinn! Your supposed to be in rehab!" I yell. "I can't do it." He says. "Then we gone sit down and talk about why your 18 and doing fucking heroine!" Quinn sits on the bed pulling Mya on his body. "Medie....It's a long story." I cross my arms. "I got all the time to figure out what's wrong with my man."


"That's it ma. Im frustrated, sexually, mentally...I miss my family. Everything just wrong right now." I explain to Medie. She was sitting up and listening to me. "Quinn, I love you baby. I don't want you to kill yourself doing drugs and drinking." I rub my face then looks at Mya. "You want Mya to be without parents Quinn?" Medie ask. "No..." I answer. "Then stop this!" I nod and kiss Medie. "I'll stop."

"Good. Now, I want you to go into that little box of yours and get rid of everything!" I get the box and flush it down the toilet. "Thank you Quinn. I love you." Medie puts her hands on both sides of my face and kisses me. "I love you too Medie." I respond smiling. Medie left me alone in the bedroom to cook. I just laid in the bed with Mya. She was playing with some toy, and I just stared. She look so much like Ro and I, it's crazy. I wonder if she even misses her mom. "Quinn, somebody is here for you." Medie peaks into the bedroom. I get up taking Mya with me. It was Pills. "Um, wassup?" I ask giving him a confused look. His clothes were torn, he was bleeding from his arm, and had bruises everywhere. "I-I got robbed bro!" I sigh and give Mya to Medie. "Where was you at? What's missing?" I ask him. "I was in V-Block, Im missing my wallet, my phone, my watch, chain, even my studs, and my Gucci Belt." I listen to this niggas list. "Where the fuck was your gun?" I ask. "Right here." I stare at him like he crazy. "Nigga...." I mumble. "I wasn't thinking about this shit!" I just walk into the kitchen. Mya was on Medie's hip, and Medie was cooking. "Don't you think she needs a high chair Quinn? Cause when Im cooking I can't hold her." Medie wasn't even listening to nothing that just happened. I could tell. "Yes Medie. Did you just not hear..?" She cuts me off. "That's not my business." She drinks out her cup. "Yes. Thank you lord!" I just say out the random. "What the hell?" She laughs looking at me. "Because I finally got a girl who aint got a opinion on something she don't need one on." I kiss her chin. "You too much bae." Medie says climbing her little ass on the counter. "Damn shame." I laugh. "Fuck you nigga." Medie snaps. I smack her ass and walk out the kitchen. I'm kinda loving my life right now. Hopefully it stays this way...

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