My Life Upside Down! [November part 7 After school's secret...shhhh]

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Heeeyyyy, so this is part 7 of MLUD! Sorry for leaving ya'll in a cliffhanger, hope u kep reading the story and if u haven't check the video then watchit so u can understand the story a bit more...rate, vote comment and even become a fan, good and bad comments are welcomed... :)


Part 7

I could hear 5 voices at once, I wanted to cry and I did tears fell down but I didn't show any emotion, I was to shocked to say and do anything, I only felt some hands pushing me back and forth. Hopeless in disaster I did not fight << I AM AGIRL AFTER ALL>>. When everything just stopped, the movement, the voices, the laughing, the pushing everything was gone. I panicked even more was I dead? <<WHAT WAS HAPPENING OUT THERE? >>, so curious of what was happening I yelled

"Who are you?!" so scared and minute passed

"Your savior" a person's voice said to me removing the blindfold, I closed my teary eyes, and he put his hand on my cheek, when I opened my eyes, Bryan was smiling at me. <<I WAS SO STUPID!!>> Why didn't I listen to him, he was right.

"I'm s-sorry" I said without looking at him and he <<HUGGEN ME??>> His body was so warm that kept me crying, I promised my mom that I wouldn't cry but this was a whole different situation, the only one that saw me cry was Bryan and that's okay 'cause he's always there to help.

"You idiot, I told you this would happen and now look at yourself" he said putting his hands on my cheek and pulling my head to look at his eyes.

"It was part your fault you didn't want to help me and I did listen to you I just had chores today" I said stuttering.

"Fine, anyway let's get you home" he said smiling at me and taking my hand. My hearts speeded fast. Bryan took me home when we got to the entrance he kicked me out of his car saying <<Our little secret>> smiling and winking at me. I couldn't tell With what happened at school, I entered the house and he was WAITING for me in the kitchen.

"Why are you so late?" he asked me, I never saw such an angry, concerned and serious face at the same time.

"At school" I said trying to avoid the subject

"I heard about what's happening in school" he kept talking please, please With stop I don't want you to know that "Congratulations on being number four" he yelled and hugged me. <<WHAAAAT? >> This guy is more twisted than I thought

"So what were you doing in school?" he said with the serious face again such a sharp eye, <<STOP ASKING QUESTIONS! >>.

"Umm, I had some chores to do and later I went to the committee room the winter trip is coming remember" I said stuttering again

"Oh, okay then dinner starts at 7:00" he said smiling while I ran toward my room that was close With is kinda dense but it was still scary. I took a really long shower on my left shoulder there was a really big bump, everything hurt even my lungs and heart. I made Bryan worry I know he's mad 'cause I never listen to him and I had to lie to With about what happened today <<I'M THE WORST>>. I jumped to my bed and fell asleep crying, mom I wish you were here you'd know what to do, right?... Mommy


I woke up in a pitch-black room, I couldn't even see myself <<THIS ISN'T MY ROOM, RIGHT? >>, was this a dream?

"Alex" a female voice called me coming from everywhere, that voice was so familiar I've heard it it's been a while but I know that voice it's

"Mom! Where are you?" I looked at every corner if it was a corner but I still couldn't see anything. But the light, the light of my dreams I've seen it before it always helps me, it has always been mom, watching over me.

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