My life Upside Down! [part 10 behind the hottie list; Forgivness]

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Hey guys part 10 of MLUD yay double

As we walked Jonathan was like crazy walking around in circles,

"John, what are you doing" Rima asked stopping him.

"I'm missing six guys and they are not in the villa, we've checked everywhere and they are no where to be found" John said frustrated, I looked around and saw Bryan talking with Lauren, he was reporting on our situation, all I could understand was Lauren's nod and Bryan's quick movement toward us. John and Rima quickly acted leaving the main building, as I followed them out but something or someone didn't let me move one step forward. I was paralyzed in the middle of a step, I looked back and Bryan was holding my arm, he didn't look at me.

"Stay here" he ungracefully let go of my arm and kept walking, I could feel the coldness of his words towards me. He was mad about what happened and I didn't blame him I knew I was out of line, but still this wasn't about us this was school business and I as a Committee member had to go. I snuck around back and walked the whole apple, there was no place left, I gave up scared being alone in the middle of the night and was walking towards the main building again. As I heard the same racket behind the bushes, indeed I was curious, I took step by step, slowly moving the branches from side to side.

I saw it, my eyes went wide open, so something like this could happen in Loran's too. A girl was on the floor breathing hard, almost unconscious but she said no word just let the six guys surrounding her beat her up. They were Jonathan's six missing guys but who was the girl. I stepped forward trying to make no sound but one of them spotted me and all stopped noticing me. I freezed, didn't know what to say, only felt anger in my body, it all became hot in the middle of the winter.

"HEY!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I yelled moving forward to let them see my face.

"Shit, it's a prefect" one of them said but it was too dark, I don't know where the words came from.

"Miss pref, you're mistaken she's the bad one here in this picture. You don't know what she's done" another one said this was a different guy's tone.

"Oh, I don't care whose fault was it. I want all six of you in the main building NOW!!! Before I tell and you regret" I said with the darkest aura around me, the atmosphere was tense, I was scared of them jumping on me to beat me up. But they retreated and went away, it was amazing they listened to me, to me. I felt a knock on my head, as if something had fallen from above. Warmth in my back, strong, there was someone right behind me, someone whom the other guys were scared of, someone who might just end beating me up. I slowly turned around to just look at his troubled face waiting to give me a good lecture.

"What did I tell you? Those guys were going to do the same to you, did you realize that" he yelled at me

"Oh, it's just you" I blurted out with relief

"Yeah, it's just me but next time it could be somebody else" he still was mad angry I could tell by his face, but he closed his eyes and stretched his neck, sighting. "Jeez, I told you to stay in the building" he finished I was still shocked by him coming to my rescue and could say anything.

The girl was coughing in the middle of the white snow still on the floor trying to get up. Bryan and I ran towards her as he carried her. She was Vanessa Sullivan, a sophomore, maybe what the boys had said was true, this girl has the reputation of girl bully. Everybody in school knows her by her bad girl attitude, the way she twisted the uniform into a sexy Halloween costume, the way she cuts class everyday and goes God knows where. He put her on the couch of my cabin, even though she was in the other one, but Rima was nowhere to e found. After he left her he didn't say a word and left, my involuntarily movements followed his trail, I don't know why but he not talking to me hurt, a lot, as if something would pierce my heart every time he acted this way.

"Wait!" I said holding instead of his hand his sleeve, my heart was beating so fast, wow Alexandra Martinez it's so hard for you to apologize, my body turned hot again. He turned around looking at me surprised by my initiative. The words didn't left my mouth,

"What?... Are you done I'm leaving be sure to contact Ri-" I cut him off.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled it more like angry than with resentment "I was pretty out of line before, and well this is pretty hard for me to say but, stop ignoring me, okay. It bugs me it's usually me avoiding you but this whole backwards hurts. I know that that sounds selfish but I just don't like it when you don't talk to me" I ended looking at the floor, saying what I truly felt like saying to him.

"So you don't think of me as a person who plays with other people's feeling and kisses whomever they want" he leaned close to me. All in my front view was his black jacket, I looked up to his face.

"I don't think of you as a person who plays around, okay? But you do kiss whomever you want" I said as he smiled and chuckled.

"Fine let's end this discussion for today, a lot had happened and I don't want us to stop talking for the next two days" he said taking my hand and moving towards my face as I felt this cold electric shock on my cheek. He moved to see my flustered face as he laughed and opened the door for me to the cabin.

I couldn't understand why everything with Bryan was so difficult, even his presence made me nervous. I looked at the couch and Vanessa was already moving, I went to the kitchen got the first aid kit and a cup of hot cocoa. I sat besides her, looking at her dazed beaten face,

"I'm sorry for this we'll get these guys later" I said cleaning her bruises.

"It's all right I deserved it. It's all part of my image" she said but not with pride instead with a look that made her look like a slave of her own reputation.

"You know, you don't have to be like people want you to be, but who you want to be not whom you think they aren't going to like" I said since she reminded me of the movie "10 things I hate about you".

"I'm trying but as I soften, the more it hurts"

"Nobody said it was going to be easy but I'm sure that if you try it will pay off" I tried to comfort her. "By the way; why were those guys after you?" I asked

"Bullying girlfriends" she explain

"Oh...I thought it was the Hottie List again so I got preoccupied, those guys might've gotten you" I said

"I was the one who made it and kidnapped the girls" she confessed "Sorry, by the way"

"No harm intended" I said cheerfully

"Actually, it was intended"

"Don't interrupt the moment, and also keep those thoughts to yourself" I said trying to teach her.

Vanessa and I kept talking about each other, behind the bad girl image she was just a normal girl, I could see her face brighten more and deep between all those bruises and hard face expressions I could actually see a beautiful girl laughing and opening up.

So sorry if this chapter is short and it doesn't develope anything but in the next chapter a NEW SUPER AWESOME TWIST will come and I know that you guys will love it so stick around rate, comment and become a fan and check out my other strories too ^_^.

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