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Rosalie's Point of View

He fired me! He is just an asshole even when he's sober! How can he even love a girl like Jessie? She seemed bright and happy and he is just mean. Who is attracted to him?
Ugh!!! I thought I was doing great.
I don't care anymore. If that man continues to act that way, the company will end for sure.
My face hits the pavement and my ear hurts. I look up and see Mr. Grayson on top of me. "I said watch out!"
We stand and I'm next to the sidewalk. Oh my gosh, I'm almost got ran over by a car! I step on the sidewalk and look around me.
Mr. Grayson cups my face. "You okay?"
I nod. I begin to cry. What the hell?
Mr. Grayson hugs me. "It is fine. Let's go back inside and get you something to calm the nerves."
He holds me as we walk into the lobby.
"Get me tea and a nurse!" Mr. Grayson yells. I sit on a chair and breathe.
"Rosalie, you sure you don't need an ambulance?"
I nod and take off my glasses. "Just a bit of shock."
Someone comes by and gives me a cup of tea. I sip on it and try to relax.
"The nurse will come by any second,"
"Darn Rose, you're bleeding from the side," Mr. Grayson kneels in front of me and cleans my ear with his handkerchief.
"Why are you being nice to me?" I ask.
"Dummy, because you almost got hit by a car. Luke is the jerk one not me. I may not like you a lot or think you're pretty, but you are still human and a girl. I hate to make girls cry," he answers.
I chuckle. "I guess."
The nurse comes by and just checks the basics. He cleans my ear and puts a bandage on top of it. "You're good miss."
I thank him and stand. Mr. Grayson walks me to a taxi outside the building. "I got Cheryl to bring your things. They are inside the taxi."
"Thank you."
"Come by my apartment tomorow," Mr. Grayson says. He opens the door for me. "Why?"
He shrugs. "Let me help you. I know a friend who needs public relations personnel."
I sigh. "Okay. Where you live?"
"Cheryl put my info on a note. It's inside your purse."
I nod and say goodbye.
The ride home feels like shit.
I call Charlie over and he is holding me tight. "Oh little sister, you're a mess."
I sigh. "I know. I don't need you to repeat it."
"Sorry, but you're not in fault here. That CEO has been a jerk from the start,"
I know. I thought he was changing though. I started to like him.
"Do you want me to stay over? I have till tomorrow before leaving," he says.
I sit straight and look at my brother. "No. Thanks for listening."
"No problem. I will also beat the crap out of that Newman guy,"
I chuckle. "It is fine."
He kisses my forehead and stands. "Okay, well goodnight. Call me tomorrow, I want to know if Grayson will help you."
I nod. Charlie gets his car keys and leaves. I look for Louie and he is sleeping in my bed. "I guess I join you buddy. I need to rest."
A week later:

Mr. Grayson helped me land a job as a writer for his friend's PR firm. I feel way better now.
"Hey, do you wanna go eat with us?" Shayla asks. She is one of my co-workers and my desk neighbor.
I nod. "Sure." I am starving! We clock out and head with two of her friends to the Italian restaurant near by for lunch.
We sit and wait for our order.
"How are you liking it?" Julian asks me. Shee is Shayla's best friend.
"The job? It is definitely more relaxing," I say.
"You really were in hell at Gordon's huh?" Shayla asks.
I nod. I may feel better but I still cannot stop thinking about what happened. I even wonder how Mr. Newman is doing.
We have a good lunch and conversations. These people are way friendlier than at Gordon's.
I excuse myself to the restroom and tell Shayla I will be going alone back to work. As I pass by the cashier as I'm leaving the restaurant; I spot Chris. He is talking to a waitress. I continue to walk, I don't want to give explanations on why he hasn't seem me around, but before I can escape, he calls me out.
Darn it. I turn around and he is carrying a bag with food. "Hi."
He smiles. "Glad you're doing fine. You look well."
I look down at my black office suit. "Well, thanks. How are you?"
He nudges me to continue walking out. "Guess what I'm doing now?"
I shrug.
He chuckles and stops by the corner to cross the street. "Getting your ex-boss lunch."
"You are his assistant now?" I ask.
"No. But I was very lucky to bump into him yesterday and made him drop his coffee. I told him I will help him get his lunch from now on. I didn't want to get fired," he answers.
I roll my eyes. "That man is unbelievable. So does he have a new assistant?"
"Nope. I hear Cheryl is doing the work for now."
Poor girl. I remember how stressed out she looked before I worked there.
"I need to go. Glad you're okay Rose," Chris smiles and crosses the street.
I wave goodbye and head back to work.
Luke's Point of View

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