Chapter XIII

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Aurum's POV

Today mum and dad were coming back after their long vacation. That wasn't a good news but it wasn't bad either. 

Davis and I had a hard time cleaning up the house. 

'What do I do with the bullet in mywall?', I asked him. 

'Well, throw it. I don't want mum to go mad', he replied.

'But...', I protested, 'Cameron told us to....'

'Stop! Enough is enough, Aurum. I told you not to mention his name again!', he yelled, 'he's just helping us because he wants to crack the case and he'll forget about you and that's the end! Why don't you understand, he's playing you! Stay away from him!'.

I sighed. Yes, he was right, and I knew that very well. But i couldn't stop myself from thinking about him. His face, his smile and his eyes in which I'm lost. 

'Snap out of it!', Davis snapped. 

I glanced at him, 'Sorry', I shook my head. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wasn't sure why. 

'Hey, Aurum', he held me by my shoulders, 'don't cry'.

I couldn't look up to him. My head was heavy with guilt. i sniffed. 

'Sit', he made me sit on my bed and sat besides me, 'tell me what's wrong'.

I smiffed. I didn't say a word. 

'Look at me', he said. I didn't move. 'Look at me!', he shook me. 

I lifted my head. 'Now, tell me what's wrong', he asked. 

'I love him!', I buried my head in my hands. 

He hugged me, 'Don't cry, Aurum. I know how it feels. I've been broken too', he soothed me. 

'really?', I wiped my tears. 

'Yeah', he said. His eyes were sad, 'She was amazing but the thing was she ran away with my best friend and I never saw her again'

I stared at him, 'And you never told me?'.

'As if you told me'.

'I told you right now, didn't I?',  I asked. 

'Mum's flight arrives in an hour. DOn't you think we should hurry?'.


Cameron's POV

TOday was Sunday and I had a meeting with Chief Irvin.

He was in a dark room. THe curtains were drawn. He motioned me to sit. I sat on the chair next to me. He looked spooky. His grey hair, shone in the dim light. His eyes had a dangerous expession.

'So, Cameron, any news?', he asked. 

'Sir, I have suspects but i'm not quite sure', I said. 

'I need the thief to be caught, Cameron!', he yelled. 

I couldn't help getting angry. What does he think of himself? But i kept my calm, 'Sir, you gave me a month's time. And i'm trying to get the best of it'.

'Now, you've got two weeks time. I've cut short the time. I don't want my precious time to be wasted'.

 I don't want my precious time to be wasted, i repeated in my head in a mocking way. 

'Why don't you solve the case on your own?', I murmured under my breath. 

'Sorry?', he said, 'did you say something?'.

'No, sir', I gulped, 'i was just thanking you for the time'.

As if you were, a voice inside my head said.


"UGH!!!', I walked to the parking lot. 

A group of five guys walked towards me. THey walked with hockey sticks in thier hands. They walked towads me in an unatural way. They were after me and i knew it somehow. I sat in my sedan and drove it. THey started to throw the sticks at my sedan but it was beyong their reach. 

I drove away from my house. THey shouldn't know where I live. It would be difficult for me to sleep. 


Mr. X's POV

'What!', i yelled at Ed, 'you lost him! Freaking!! You're useless! I don't know why i appointed you idiots!'.

'It won't happen next time, boss', Ed said. 

'Again?', I said calmly, 'again? there's no again, Ed!', i yelled, 'you wouldn't get a good opportunity as good as that. Now, what's the use? Kill him within forty eight hours or else you wouldn't be alive'.

'it will be done', he assured. 

'It better be, Ed. YOu're life depends on it'.

He walked out of the room. I was angry. They had such a good opportunity and they lost it! Now Vince would be careful. He'd be carrying weapons for his protection. 

I need a plan B. And I had. Plan B was all about Aurum. 

My name is Reynard Worth and I'm twenty five. 


A/N: How was the chapter?????

Cammie/ Vince's life is in danger!!! OMG

And you know the villan's name but you don't have a clue who he is........... SoRRy about that

Sorry for the Long update!!!






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