Author's Note

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I told myself I wouldn't write anymore fics but this was simply a too good idea not to put down. I'm not doing this for the sake of the ship, (if you follow my twitter you know my sentiments), rather I'm doing this for the story and it just so happens camren are the protagonists.

This is gonna be longer than what I'm used to writing so bear with me here. This is also gonna be unlike anything I've ever written here so far. I am a fan of sick!fics so you know where I am going here, this is your chance to turn back now. But if not then thank you, and I hope you will all enjoy this. Also, this isn't your typical sick!fic. 

I apologize in advance for all the stuff I might not make accurate enough but I will do my best to make it realistic as possible.

Bottom line here is I just want to tell a good story and I hope this does justice to the story I have in my head.

Also thanks to my friend Greg for helping me piece this story once more!

-Sofia (

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