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Lauren found herself approaching Dinah after the bell rung in English class.

Dinah looked at her surprisingly as she was usually the one who approached first. "This is new, you look happy today."

Lauren looked at her in confusion. "What do I normally look like?"

Dinah thought for a while. "Someone who went through depression." That kind of comment would usually throw Lauren off but since Dinah was her friend she didn't care. Or maybe because admittedly she was in a good mood.

"Well being depressed doesn't mean you're always sad. It's more of like a switch." Lauren explained. Dinah finished grabbing her stuff as they left to go to the lunch room.

Dinah told her about how her performance in her sister's school went. She told them the kids loved it and thanked Lauren for helping her get round her breathing problem in the song.

"Hey what are you doing later? I wanted to visit the mall and wondered if you'd like to join me." She said as she got tray and lined up to get food.

Lauren didn't have anything planned but she just wanted to watch Camila practice. "I have something later actually, sorry. Maybe some other time."

They got their lasagna for the day and sat at their usual empty spot. Lauren turned back and saw the table where Camila sat was empty. She didn't feel as bad as before though.

"Camila apologized to me by the way," Dinah looked up at the mention of her ex-best friend's name. "We watched Aladdin afterwards. We're good now." Lauren didn't know if it was just her or did she see envy in Dinah's face.

Dinah still watched her as Lauren started eating. "What?"

Dinah narrowed her eyes, in suspiscion. "You like her don't you?"

Lauren felt the heat travel to her cheeks. She didn't expect this. "No I don't."

"Uhuh, you look like you do." Dinah didn't seem convinced.

For reasons, Lauren felt her heartbeat grew faster. She wasn't even so sure of her denial. Did she really? Feelings were a blur to her still, all she knew was happiness and sadness since the accident. Love, as far as she was concerned, an abstract concept.

"I don't even have an idea what it feels like anymore you know. I have no idea. I just enjoy her company." she said, but she had a hard time believing in her own words.

"Love isn't my expertise, but I know when you love someone, you just can't wait to see them, tell them how your day went. You want to know how their day went. It's usually the little things, like thinking about them most of the time." Dinah said, with sudden passion in her voice that made Lauren wonder if the girl ever fell in love.

"But I don't know that Dinah. I'm still figuring everything out. Testing waters." Lauren said, hoping the other girl would be convinced.

Dinah just smiled. "Whatever you say, Laur. I just know the look of someone who is falling in love, or smitten and I sure see that in your face today."

"I'm not!" she objected.

Dinah nodded while drinking her bottle of juice. "Sure, you owe me a movie date if you are."

"Fine," Lauren said a little bit too fast.

Shawn came to them running and was short of breath as he sat next to Lauren. "What's up Shawn?", Lauren asked, very eager to change the subject.

"I gave this new girl I like a bouquet and I'm nervous. It's supposed to be anonymous, but I think she saw me leave it at her locker." He panted and put his head in his arms.

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