fourty one

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Lauren had a heavy day of school the next day.

She couldn't even drop by at Camila's that morning because she woke up late and had to go early to help her classmates set up for their history play. They were recreating a scene from Ancient Rome, complete with all the costumes. It was only until they heard the claps of the rest of the class when Lauren felt she could breathe in relief.

She was met with a lot of homework for most of her subjects, Ms. Campbell included. She reminded them all of their year-end essays, which Lauren was determined to finish it finally especially since Camila heard it all so far. When it was lunch time, Lauren was about to go to the cafeteria when she heard Ms. Campbell call her from the end of the hallway, she was standing next to a bald guy with spectacles on. He was in a suit.

She slowly approached, straightening her shirt as she sensed he was important. When she got there, Ms. Campbell put a hand on her shoulder. "Mr. Clayton, I'd love for you to meet one of the brightest students in my class, Lauren. Lauren, this is Robert Clayton, the associate dean from Harvard University." Ms. Campbell had her best smile on. Lauren felt her heart race when she found out he was from Harvard.

"Good morning, sir." She greeted.

He smiled at her. "Well, Lauren we're looking for the best and brightest from the schools for our institution, do you think you've got what it takes?" He chided on, very amused, not as scary as she thought.

"I hope so sir, I'll do my best." She affirmed, nodding.

Ms. Campbell put her hand and gently nudged her, giving Lauren the signal that it was alright for her to leave. She entered the cafeteria feeling shaken from what just happened. She told her friends as she got to the table.

"Harvard? That's no biggie for you Lauren!" Shawn said, Ariana nodding in agreement.

"Now that Mila is out, you're the best that they got!" Dinah said in support, rocking Lauren's shoulders. That kind of made Lauren sad as she would let Camila beat her anytime, but Dinah was right.

"How's the rest of your applications going?" Lauren asked.

"Ugh can we not talk about this." Dinah commented. Despite that, she knew Dinah stressed over it as much as she did, to get the scholarships.

"It's quite hard getting all the documents they need. I lost the number of times writing the same information in the application forms." Shawn said, smiling.

"Well you'll be the doctor you always wanted to be." Dinah said with certainty.

"I've got an awfully long way to go." He admitted, looking down. Ariana held his hand in reassurance.

"Every journey begins with a single step." Lauren uttered. They all looked at her. She shook her head. "I read that somewhere, a long time ago. It was from a Chinese Philosopher. I think."

"I thought Camila was rubbing off too much on you." Shawn joked. Dinah's jaw dropped and smiled in approval.

Lauren shook her head. "You guys are impossible."

Dinah smiled mischievously. "Well she might have rubbed off on you literally, that road trip-"

Lauren's eyes widened, felt herself go red and covered Dinah's mouth. Shawn and Ariana looked on, not making any connection. She wasn't ready for them or anyone else to know. "Yeah Dinah, what was it you wanted to say?"

Dinah didn't look impressed but that lasted for a second as she moved on. "My best friend has such great impact on others."

Lauren smiled, as Dinah tried to lowkey give her glances when Shawn was talking about college.

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