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A/N: Italics mean a flashback


"You look terrible," Dinah said to Lauren as she sat down on the lunch table, Shawn beside her.

Lauren put her head on her hands. Crying herself to sleep always made her look like shit the next day. "I know, no need to point it out."

"What's up?" Shawn asked, looking up from his textbook.

Lauren didn't answer, instead she looked at the food before her which didn't seem appetizing at the moment. Dinah, who was watching her closely spoke up, "Does it have something to do with Camila?"

Lauren sighed. "We talked yesterday and it didn't go well. I'm not even sure if she's my friend." She started picking at the macaroni on her plate with her fork.

"You'll come around." Shawn said reassuringly.

Dinah put her large hand on top of Lauren's. "Okay to change the subject, have you thought about the gig?"

Lauren felt her face fall. "Oh, I haven't really. But I am considering,"

Dinah smiled, "I hope you do, they're really looking for new performers." Dinah finished her food and said goodbye hurriedly as she left to work on a group project.

"Lauren, I can bring you to one of the gig venues and see for yourself if you can try singing again. It's empty around the time we finish class." Shawn offered, and Lauren was suddenly thankful. That would be the perfect time to practice again, and maybe even forget about how shitty she felt about Camila.


She met Shawn at the parking lot after the bell had rung. He was leaning on his old Toyota and smiled and got in the car as he saw her. She carefully got in the shotgun seat and put the seatbelt on carefully.

"You okay?" He asked, igniting the car.

"Yeah, cars aren't my thing." She said trying to calm herself when she felt herself getting tense.

Shawn drove slowly and they got in one of the bars which was called Night Roller. They got out and Lauren thought it looked like any other bar in Miami.

"I can wait here outside, just tell me." He said as he picked up a pocketbook from the glove compartment and started reading.

Lauren made her way in and the bar was pretty empty, apart from a man at the counter cleaning a beer glass. He pointed to the next door as Lauren looked lost. She passed through the curtained door and saw that in that section, there were rounded tables and in the very end was a small elevated stage with a mic stand and speakers.

She carefully made her way to the stage. The lights weren't turned on but standing on the empty stage in the empty venue felt like the spotlight was on her.

She closed her eyes, holding the mic in her hands. She breathed deep, trying to picture herself singing in front of a crowd. She felt her throat choke up, she swallowed the lump in her throat and open her eyes. It was her first mistake as she felt a flashback coming onto her.

"Only you," Lauren sang to a crowd in a bar. The place was jam packed but she could see her friends at the front row, cheering her on. The lights were dim apart from the lights on the stage but Keana's long brown locks were unmistakable, and Shaun's alabaster skin against his platinum blonde hair under a fedora.

"Go Lauren!" Shaun called, his hands amplifying his words, Keana hooted along as the guitarist beside Lauren finished the song.

Her eyes locked with someone at the middle of the bar. Blue-grey eyes met her. The guy had a handsome face from afar. The guy smiled at her as they made eye contact and Lauren felt the heat of the moment bring blush to her cheeks.

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