thirty six (part 2)

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They ate dinner at a pizza parlor, Camila seemed more serious after watching the sunset. She seemed to have something in her head as she was a bit distracted as they were eating. Lauren tried to initiate conversation, but like classic Camila, it was hard to really see through her.

They just made small talk until they paid the bill and Lauren drove them to the decent motel she had booked. It didn't look creepy at all unlike the ones seen in movies and TV shows.

Lauren got the key and found herself looking at a decent suite with more than comfortable furniture. If she didn't know she booked a motel, she would think they were at a hotel. Lauren threw her bag in the couch and crashed on the bed, beat up from driving. It was only then when her head hit the pillow that she felt how tired she was.

Camila sat at the bed, watching Lauren. "We're sleeping in one bed."

Lauren sat up, feeling red. "Well when you slept over and when I did, we fit perfectly in the double sized bed. Surely we'll fit on this queen sized one."

"I'm just messing, but yeah I'm perfectly fine with it." Camila stood up, stretching. "I'll just change, if you don't mind." She went up to her travel case, grabbed some clothes and locked herself in the bathroom.

Lauren took her phone out and texted her mom that she was fine, and said goodnight. She took advantage of the fact that Camila was in the bathroom to change as well. She quickly slipped out of her jeans and boots and put on one of her sports shorts and an old band tee of The Beatles. She tousled her hair more cause that's what she did to relax herself. She turned down some of the lights in the room, leaving the lamp lights at each side of the bed. She climbed on the right side of the bed. Camila took really long and she felt her eyes drop, out of tiredness.

When Camila finally came out, Lauren was near dozing off. The girl was silent, put some things back in her case and climbed on the left side of the bed. Lauren was faced the other way but she felt herself tense up, losing the sleepy state she was in when she felt the presence of the other girl so close to her. She felt the shallow breathing of the girl near her nape and that brought the hairs at her skin stand up.

Was Camila that close?

Lauren carefully shifted and sat up. She saw a Camila facing her side, eyes closed. She felt herself half-smile. She watched the shallow rise and fall of the girl's chest and remembered how beautiful she looked when she slept. Lauren saw Camila's polaroid at the side table beside her so she reached out to grab it and quickly snapped a photo of the girl.

"I'm awake you know." Camila said, scrunching up her nose, eyes still closed.

Lauren dropped the camera in shock, and picked it back up and put it aside. "I thought you were asleep, sorry."

Camila turned on her back and opened her eyes. Lauren felt entranced as she felt something else in the air at the moment. Camila opened her mouth to speak, "Lauren I know you take photos of me. I'm not stupid."

"Well yeah I want something to look back on-"

"Lauren you don't have to hide anything from me." Camila said and Lauren felt that the girl wanted to hear the feelings Lauren had for her. It was impossible to Lauren how Camila seemed to know or if she was pertaining to the same thing she was thinking of, but at that minute, her heartbeat was racing.

"I have nothing to say," Lauren chickened out, losing all the courage she thought she had.

Camila sits up and to Lauren's surprise, holds her hand. Lauren looks at their intertwined hands then back at Camila's face who was unreadable.

"Camila-" her voice trailed off when Camila turned to her, feeling her dark eyes pierce her.

"I want to say something, but it's not in words. Can I trust you?" She asked, her voice dropping low. Lauren nodded slowly, not really knowing where this was going but one thing was for sure and that was her nerves were all over the place.

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