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During English class, Ms. Campbell handed them papers for what was to be their final paper that had to submitted at the end of the year.

"For your final project at the end of the year. I want you all to write an essay about a significant event in your life that has changed you. I know this sounds like I'm asking for a lot, but I know since this is also your final year in secondary school, think of this as sort of a college application essay." She paced around the room and Lauren felt her eyes glued on the fine print in the paper.

"I'm giving this as early as the first month so you have around a year to think about it. This isn't the type of essay you can do overnight, and I'm sure you'll have ample time to draft and finish it by the deadline."

The bell rang and everyone left the room, Lauren approached the desk of her teacher. "Ma'am, about this essay. I think I know what to write about but I don't think, I-I can do it. Yet."

Ms. Campbell took off her glasses, put and rested her chin on both arms propped on the desk. "Lauren you don't have to write about it if you don't think you can. It's really up to you. But if you persist, I say try to open up to other people. I think that's a good way to start."

Lauren nodded, her mind still on the topic of the essay. She knew this was her chance to prove herself again, if she wrote something about what happened to her. "Lauren,"

She looked up. "Ma'am?"

"Are you adjusting well? Made new friends?" she asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I have a couple." she said, thinking of the people she met so far.

Ms. Campbell smiled warmly and stood up, leading her out of the room. "I'll be very keen to read your final essay, Lauren. I'm sure you'll impress me."


Lauren made her way to the cafeteria. She spotted Dinah amongst the crowd immediately.

The girl was wearing a pink tank top underneath a blue plaid shirt. She always wore bold colors as Lauren noticed, matching her playful personality. This time she was alone, and on her phone.

"Hey," Lauren sat down with her tray of food. "Where's Shawn?"

Dinah looked up and smiled. She put aside her phone and grabbed the apple on her tray. "Hey Laur. If Shawn's not here he's usually up to something in the admin office, he volunteers there. An altruistic man." Lauren chuckled at the last part.

"Aren't you friends with Camila? Why don't you sit with her?" Dinah asked pointedly.

Lauren turned around where Dinah was referring and she saw Camila beside Ariana, surrounded by some of the people she figured to be on the cheer team. It was weird because it was the first time she saw Camila at the cafeteria, she knew Camila prefered to eat at the parking lot where some of her friends were parked.

Lauren didn't want to admit it but she felt her heart sink at the sight. She turned back to Dinah. "She doesn't offer. We're kind of neighbors so we don't really need to hang at school I guess." The attempt at justification for what Camila did still felt like she was patching a leak with tape.

Dinah sighed, stirring the straw of her juice. "That's how it starts usually. Well for us. Ever since Camila got accepted into the cheer team, we sort of started growing apart. She would prefer to hang out with them, rather than with me. And I get it, I mean she's part of a team and it's not just me and her in our little bubble we built when we were in fourth grade. But it sucks."

"How did you grow apart?" Lauren picked at the salad on her plate, losing her appetite.

"She got invited to parties. At first she wouldn't go if I wasn't invited as well, but I learned that I did not want to be there with her because she would forget me for her other friends. I felt like a spare tire. Then pretty much, she stopped inviting me to anything."

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