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Lauren followed as Camila practically skipped along in her cheerleader uniform.

"Are you always this happy?" Lauren asked in between breaths as she catched up.

"I'm not a flat character, Lauren. These are my high points, everybody has them." she said, not turning around. They reached the curb that led to their street and for the first time since her childhood, Lauren followed Camila as they crossed the street.

The house looked similar to Lauren's. The only difference was that it's painted light blue and it looked less depressing than their home facade.

"Mami I'm home! And I've brought someone with me!" Camila yelled as she opened the door. Seeing through, the Cabello home looked very cozy but the house had it's own personality, bright colored ornaments displayed, a mesh of wooden and modern furniture. In other words, it looked lively as you'd expect from someone like Camila.

A short middle aged woman who always wore a smile on her face and spectacles on the bridge of her nose came out of the pantry. When she saw Lauren she embraced her in a hug. Lauren didn't even find it odd that the last time that happened was probably years ago, the Cabello's felt like extended family to her.

"Glad to know you're doing well, Lauren." She said with an honest smile. Lauren smiled back because it was impossible not to.

Camila's head appeared from the stairwell. "C'mon Lauren!"

Sinu led her there. "Let me know if you need anything, dear. Glad you came over."

Lauren followed up the steps and into Camila's room. Camila was lying on the bed on her phone, so Lauren took the time to look around. The room had faded pink wallpaper, there was a guitar on one corner, a lot of photos thumb-tacked to the wall and a shelf with a lot of trophies adorned.

She looked at the nearest photo to her, one of Camila with a younger version of her. It was her younger sister. Next to them was a guy who looked like Camila as well but had ashy hair.

"Sofi," Camila blurted out, watching Lauren.

"You have a cute family," Lauren remarked.

Camila beamed. "Wait til you meet my dad, works at Disneyland in Orlando. The biggest kid among all of us."

Lauren let out a laugh.

"How's your family?" Camila asked, propping herself up.

Lauren put back the photo. She never liked this question. Her usual response was that her family was dysfunctional, end of story. Though she didn't think Camila deserved that response. "My younger brother and sister live with my grandparents in the other side of the city. And my dad, he-left home."

"I'm sorry, and I'm sorry this is the only thing I can say." Camila said. Lauren nodded, it was hard for people with good families to understand how exactly it felt like to be in her shoes.

"Doesn't matter," Lauren looked up at the trophies and saw they were usually first place. There were medals too, for the most distinguished member of the team. "You're really good huh?"

Camila shrugged. "Well cheerleading is a team sport, you can't say it's only me who's good. But yeah I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve."

Lauren smiled. She found herself sitting at the foot of her bed, in awe. "Damn Camila, you've got it all."

Camila shook her head, "Nobody's got it all Lauren. That's impossible." After a while she spoke up, "What about you Lauren? Everybody has heard your story, but tell me about yourself. I believe your story doesn't define you."

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