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Lauren woke up from the all too familiar fragmented nightmare she had with Alex and quickly went to the bathroom to wash her face. She decided to not think of it too much because today was her day with Camila and nothing was gonna ruin that.

She quickly packed her stuff in her army green duffel bag and came down to have breakfast already carrying it. Her mom looked at her excitedly. "Someone is very eager." Though she can tell her mom is just as eager as her even if she wasn't invited.

"Yeah, this is the most exciting thing in over the course of the year." Lauren admitted.

After she ate breakfast, she went over to the Cabellos. Sinu greeted her with a hug at the doorstep and she laughed at the warm reception she always got from the older woman.

She was led into the living room which was a mesh of different printed couches and pillows. She sat there quietly as the house seemed to be in slumber, most of the lights turned off, the curtains drawn.

"I apologize, Lauren. Camila wakes up really late, in this family we all do." Sinu explained, chuckling at the last part. She disappeared in the staircase and Lauren spent the time looking at the photos on the coffee table. Most were really old, Camila looked about seven in them. Some where of her in the playground, another of her with Sinu probably on her first day of school. Camila was really skinny and small, making her ears stick out of her hair that was cut short and framing her face. Lauren laughed because she looked so different yet so much like Camila.

"I was such an ugly duckling," said a voice, and Lauren turned and saw Camila still wearing her pajamas, looking at the photos on her hands.

"You think you're gorgeous now?" Lauren teased, though she absolutely knew it because Camila was most definitely eye-catching.

"Well duh," Camila joked, "just let me eat my cereal and papa will drive us."

To Lauren's surprise, Camila poured her milk before her cereal. Camila narrowed her eyes as Lauren watched her in judgment. "It became a habit, shh don't judge."

A couple of minutes later, Camila was dressed and had with her a hiking backpack. Lauren was introduced to Camila's father, Alejandro. He looked like the older guy version of Camila. She found out that he liked to hike in his spare time so he was just as excited as them.

Lauren rode in the backseat of the SUV. She listened to the conversation of the father and daughter but pretty soon she felt kind of left out more than she cared to admit so she put on her earphones and zoned out to some of her music on shuffle. She didn't realize that she fell asleep until Camila shook her shoulder, making her open her eyes.

"Lauren, we're gonna eat late lunch then we're gonna go to the trails." Camila said, Lauren shook off her sleepy head and joined the two Cabellos on the diner.

It was already late afternoon as the drive had taken them almost five hours. Lauren didn't expect them to take that long though she had a good sleep so she didn't complain.

"Have you ever been to Disneyland, Lauren?" Alejandro asked as they got their food.

"It was pretty long ago, when I was like seven."

"If you want to visit next summer by any chance, you could tell me and I could give you and your family free tickets. After all, it's the happiest place on earth." He offered. Lauren saw Camila nudge her dad with her elbow.

"Yeah, that would be great thanks." Lauren said, hiding the imminent sadness she felt.

"Papa, Lauren's into 80's music. I saw her vinyl collection, it was really great." Camila said, changing the subject.

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