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Lauren had begun to feel better and almost back to normal. She had time to catch up with school when she came back, her teachers being very understanding especially Ms. Campbell. They gave her more lenient deadlines with papers, homework and projects which she greatly appreciated.

Dinah apologized to her when she came back from school. Lauren told her it was no big deal but the taller girl felt so bad so she ended up treating Lauren and Shawn to ice cream at the local mall. All three of them got a good laugh as Dinah felt obliged to buy Lauren the most expensive one she wanted. Lauren ended up treating Dinah and Shawn to the movies since it was their bet. Dinah had felt embarrassed about it, but Lauren assured her it was fine.

Ariana sometimes sat with them as she and Shawn become officially a thing. It was nice because Ariana got along well with Lauren, eventually winning over Dinah when she found out Ariana helped Shawn out with his volunteer work in school. Dinah jokingly told Shawn when Ariana wasn't there that she was a keeper.

One day to their surprise as Ariana was with Shawn, Camila approached their table. Ariana looked on enthusiastically, while Dinah seemed a bit surprised. She looked at Lauren, "Mind if I join you guys?"

"Not at all," Lauren replied faster than anyone else. Camila sat beside Lauren, Dinah on Lauren's other side while the couple was opposite them.

"Camila nice of you to join us," Ariana said, grinning sweetly.

"It was getting a little lonely there in the usual table without you," Camila said, Lauren watched her and she could see a bit sadness in her tone. Did she miss Ariana? Did part of her still like her? Lauren felt a bit sad.

Ariana nodded as Shawn suddenly put an arm around her and kissed her cheek, making Ariana giggle. Dinah jokingly made puking sounds to the couple's amusement. Lauren would have found it funny if she didn't watch Camila as her dark eyes watched the two with a glum expression.

Lauren wondered what Camila must have felt. She knew Shawn deserved someone like Ariana who really cared for him, and enough to actually do the things he wanted like go to his gigs and even help his volunteer work. Was that nowhere near how Camila was when she was with him? She thought of the fact that Camila for the longest time liked Ariana. What could it have felt for her to be rejected cause Ariana was only into men, and see her with her old ex who she treated unfairly. It must have been a heavy feeling. Lauren could only imagine what her friend must have went through.

"You okay?" Lauren asked her.

Camila looked away from the couple for the first time and at her. "Yeah, they're just cute. I'm happy for them."

Lauren turned to Dinah who gave her a look. She Dinah well enough now to know she wanted to imply something between her and Camila. Lauren waved her off and spent the entire time making conversation between her and Camila, to make the other girl at ease and it seemed to be working. When the bell rang, she said goodbye to the brunette.

"Come over my house later!" Camila said as she left to go to class.

She had free period with Dinah so she waited for the girl as she got something from her locker. Dinah playfully hit her.

"What was that for?"

"For making me feel like boo boo the fool, the fifth wheel." She said.

Lauren smiled, "You're not fifth-wheeling. Camila's just my friend."

"Well it sure didn't look like it to me." Dinah pouted jokingly. Lauren laughed at her friend's antics.

When Dinah had apologized, Lauren told her it was alright. She did admit that she didn't think she was ready anyway and that being her friend for now was more important. Though at the back of her mind, she knew she did have feelings for the girl.

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