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Lauren got down to the kitchen to see her mom looking at her funnily.

She asked her what's up. Her mom put her hands on her hips, like she always used to when Lauren was a kid and she knew she was about to get scolded. Only this time, she actually missed it.

"You look happy today," her mom said, her face turning into disbelief, then relief.

Lauren looked puzzled. "I do?" She sat opposite her mom at the counter as her mom served her some scrambled eggs.

"Believe me when I say you look different, and I've seen how you look like every morning." She said as she sat down. "And you've never told me what happened last night, I just picked you up and you fell asleep the whole car ride home."

Lauren recalled what happened last night and she realized they came to her in flashes, not really remembering particulars. She just knew she did a 180 with her emotions, something that hasn't happened in the longest time.

"Well, it was interesting for one." her thoughts still wandering at the previous night.

"You're gonna explain why you just walked all the way home. Also, did you make any new friends?" Her mother asked anxiously. Lauren knew why, her mother knew how lonely she was ever since all her friends left for college.

"Yeah," she perked up a bit, sitting up straighter. "You know our neighbors the Cabello's? Well apparently I met their daughter Camila at the bar since I dropped by after the visit." Her mom's eyes widened when she mentioned the bar but she explained how she wanted to live a little like what her doctor told her and she understood.

"The Cabellos," her mom put her hand on her chin in thought, "Haven't really talked to them in a while but I know their daughter is almost the same age as you."

Lauren didn't realize her mother was staring at her, until she picked up her bag to go to school. "It brings me joy to see you like this."

"Glad I made you happy mom," Lauren said as she made her way outside her house.


Surprisingly, Lauren found it quite easy to catch up with her studies. She realized she missed school, though she wouldn't really tell that to her friends, and the entire process of learning new things.

After her class she passed by a wall glazed with trophies behind a glass case. Next to various awards were photos of the various athletic teams. She immediately spotted the one that was from their softball team. She immediately made out the tiny brunette near the edge of the photo. It was her. Though to Lauren now, it seemed like a lifetime away much like everything that happened before.

She was about to leave when her eye caught something at a nearby distance. She found herself looking at the photo of their school's cheerleading team, girls dressed in red and white uniforms, had pigtails on and pompoms, lined up for one photo. What caught her eye was the one next to it, a girl a bit smaller than the rest, holding the trophy to her side, her eyes the warmest shade of brown, her smile unmistakable. It was Camila.

Lauren shook her head and made her way to the softball pitch at the back of the school building. It was empty as practice just finished, but she saw the same figure of her old softball coach.

"Can I try a swing?" Lauren said aloud.

Sean her coach turned around and his eyes lit up when he saw Lauren. He was slim, tall, dark skinned and had a moustache. He pulled her in for a hug. "So good to see you Laur, I heard what happened but I'm glad you're back."

Lauren hated hearing that same phrase worded fifty different ways from the people she knew but she ignored it this time.

Sean handed her the bat at his feet. Lauren felt the grip of the bat, familiar despite the long time. Sean made his way to the other end of the pitch and did his form, throwing her the baseball. Instinctively Lauren swung her arm and seconds later saw the ball flying the other direction.

She closed her eyes and felt the wind against her face. She opened them and saw Sean holding the baseball in his hands, bewilderment in his eyes. "You never lost your touch, Lauren. Say you want to give the team a try again?"

Lauren politely declined. She renounced softball long ago and she had a feeling it wasn't calling out to her anymore like it used to.

Lauren made her way under the tree in the back of their school and just leaned back against it, looking at the various students in school mile about.

She didn't expect to be bothered so it was to her surprise when she saw Camila making her way to her, wearing her cheerleader outfit.

She panted as she sat beside Lauren. Lauren just watched her, still unsure if she was real, including the events last night.

"Camila?" She just said as the other girl got settled.

Camila looked up, her doe eyes sparkling. "Lauren,"

"What are you doing here?"

"I just passed by and I saw you, wanted to stay for a while." she said so nonchalantly.

They sat there in silence, Lauren occasionally watching Camila's profile as she looked somewhere far away.

"Are you busy now?" Lauren just about shook her head when she felt her arm being dragged by Camila who started walking at a brisk pace. "Let's go to my place, I'll introduce you to the family."


A/N: This chapter is sort of a filler, I promise the next ones will be longer. I also finished the outline for the story and I can't wait to start writing it!


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