Nikki Potter: A Sister's Betrayal

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A/N: I seen a lot of Harry having a sister, I havent seen much of James having a sister (I havent really looked to be  honest) so  I thought to make one, the first chapter isnt the best written but enjoy:)


Laughter filled the train compartment, in the compartment sat four people, three of them had black hair and only one had brown hair with a slight reddish tint to it. The youngest of the four, a girl, sat by the window watching the scenery as it passed by. This girl was named Nikki Potter,  beside her sat her older brother, James. Across from her, her best friend, Sirius Black sat, his hair had some curls in it which fell lazily on his face. And beside him,  Remus Lupin, the boy with the brown hair sat, with a grin stretched across his face " I think I did it this time, don't you agree?" James laughed loudly.

This was a normal occurrence, being the only girl in the group, Nikki was always teased "James, don't under estimate your sister, her bite is work than her bark. Trust me" Sirius replied, this had Nikki biting her lip to keep from smiling at the memory, she had given Sirius a black eye last year when he wouldn't stop annoying her.That saying was some what weird for Sirius to say, he can change into a dog on his will, it did has some down sides to it, like the fleas, oh how Sirius hated the fleas.

Nikki crossed her arms and looked at the bunch  "If you don't believe him" Nikki began and smiled slightly " I could bite and prove it, how about you, Remus? I could bite you, cause it wouldn't make a difference on you, cause you know, with the full moons and all" Nikki continued, her smile was mischievous, Remus' face turned red from embarrassment. Nikki knew he had a thing for her when she was in her first year, she also knew he was over it by now.  But she still loved to tease, Remus, any chance she got.

"Shut up." Remus mumbled just as the train screeched to a stop, the train had arrived at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry, it was a second home to them all. They were all in the same house, brave Gryffindor, James was proud being in Gryffindor, he thought it was the best of any of the houses. James had even told,Nikki, if she didn't end up in Gryffindor she wasn't good enough, but that if she ended up in Slytherin that he would disown her as a sister, she was glad that didn't happen.

As the four stood up, Nikki grabbed her stuff quicker than the others, and hurried out of the compartment, it was one of those days where she just wanted to get away from them. At least, get away from James, she saw him enough at home, the only time they are ever apart now was when they were at classes. Other than that, they never had time apart, and it only made James more and more protective of Nikki, and she hated that, she hated him being protective of her.  But,  James had even warned her the first day she went to Hogwarts, that he was going to be like that, especially around all the idiots.

When Nikki went to step off the train, someone ran into the back of her "Move it!" and older student shouted as he ran into Nikki and off the train, the force from the student knocked Nikki forward, but before she could fall on her face. A gentle hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back to her feet, Nikki had expected it to be James, so it had surprised her when there was no laugh from Sirius or Remus, especially not a word from James, who Nikki had expected would be shouting at the student who ran into her.

Nikki turned to thank who she thought was going to James, but she was surprised to see Severus Snape, a older Slytherin student who James hated. He still had a grip on Nikki's arm, his long greasy black hair fell around his face, with a few strains over his black eyes. For an unknown reason, Nikki's heart skipped a beat when she looked at him, and went speechless "Snivellus, let go of my sister" James demanded in a clear angry voice as he approached Nikki and Severus,  a frown appeared on Severus' once emotionless face.

The hand Severus held around Nikki's arm dropped to his side "If it wasn't for me, your sister would have a broken face, and possibly some other bones" Severus replied, with a cold edge to his voice,  his voice had bought butterflies to Nikki's stomach, something she had never experienced before, a strange muggle feeling. But yet, Nikki remained silent. Severus then walked away without another word before James could do anything to him, they all knew that  he would do something, James always bullied Severus.

Nikki followed James to one of the carriages, she was used to seeing them being pulled what seemed like nothing, last year it had freaked her out "I had thought I told you to stay away from Snivellus." James snapped as they sat down in the carriage, of course he had to bring that up after what just happened. Nikki rolled her eyes, Remus and Sirius joined them in the carriage and it started to move  once they were seated, as it the carriage knew it was now full. Magic always worked wonders.

"Like I can control who keeps me from possibly breaking my neck, I maybe a witch, James. But I can certainly not control that" Nikki replied with a sigh, Severus entered Nikki's thoughts, she couldn't understand why, she had never thought of him before now.

James leaned back in the chair  "No one likes Snivellus" James began as if it was nothing, and completely true "I will only tell you this one more time, stay away from him. Away from Snivellus" He continued, Nikki had no other choice but to nod.

Most of the carriage ride was silent, which Nikki was grateful for, even though it was unusual for them all to be silent at once. With the exception of some faint cheers from first years farther away on the lake, it wasn't to long ago when the four of them were in the boats.

The silence was broken after a few more minutes, by Sirius "Are you going to ask Lilly Evans out this year, James?" Sirius questioned, this got Nikki's attention, she knew James has been crushing on Lilly for awhile, but she hated James for bullying Severus.

A smirk flickered onto James' face  "Yes" James replied then his smirk dimmed "But she hates me, she will eventually go out with me,whether she knows it or not." He continued with a shrug, he was going to date Lilly Evans, even if it meant risking everything.

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