Daryl Dixon

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Your P.O.V
I stumbled through the undergrowth just about catching myself as I tripped over myself.It had been almost a year since I last saw a living person,I suppose there's not many left now.Most of the population was wiped out within the first week of the outbreak,people didn't know what to do so they either gave up or didn't actually make it out of their houses.

I smiled to myself as I found a bush of red berries,it had been a while since I'd last eaten and I was famished.I swung my cross bow onto my back as I picked some of the berries and threw them into a cloth,devouring the rest.

Before all this happened I was a waitress at a small restaurant in the middle of our small town,during my spare time I taught my self to use a cross bow.I got into the idea of using a cross bow when I saw one in a shop window.It was weird in this sensual way that I knew it would come in handy.With it I've caught deers and squirrels although that's rare they do taste nice,and of course I use it to kill the walkers.

"One in the head makes the dead stay dead" I repeated to myself as I remembered the countless times I tried killing the walkers by stabbing them in the heart.

Once the bush was bare of the berries I decided to carry on walking,I put the berries into my bag and swung my bow around so I could be ready to shoot any walkers.For now I couldn't hear any but I couldn't be too sure as I heard a ruffle of leaves behind me maybe a few metres away.

I turned to where I head the noise and saw nothing,that was until I turned back around and was faced with a few men.

How didn't I see them?

"Well hello there,ya look a little lost ya pretty thing"one of the men spoke,they had guns and I was outnumbered.

Instead of surrendering I pointed my bow at one of the guys heads.That's when I heard the rustle again behind me.I knew I was surrounded but before I could even try to shoot one of them I was knocked out,I felt the darkness close in like a bullet through skin.


I woke up in a strange place and then I was reminded of the men,just had to be bad people I had to run into didn't it?Why couldn't I run into nice people?It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing but it was cold and I knew I was alone in the room.I tried moving my legs and arms but I felt tight rope caging them like a wild animal.

Not soon after I had awoken a light peeped from under a visible outline of a door,the door swung open and the light was tuned on.Only then did I realise I was completely naked and had my marks visible from my past.

I narrowed my eyes at the guy who avoided my gaze and just looked me up and down.I so badly wanted to break his neck,they had all my stuff my cross bow,my bag and even my clothes.What kind of sick place has this world turned into,well what do I expect?This time and age is basically a paradise for sick in the head people.

They wouldn't get arrested,they wouldn't have anyone to tell them no.

"So sweet cheeks,you're finally awake!Fancy going for another ride?"he smirked unbuckling his pants.

I felt a cry reach my throat but I swallowed it back down,showing him I wasn't weak and proving my dad wrong I wasn't a weak bitch.Instead of getting it over and done with he decided to slap me about,pull my hair and spit on me.Before he managed to actually try and fuck me,a slam on the door and gun shots could be heard.

"You're all sick bastards!"I heard a rough voice shout from down the hallway.

"Help!"I shouted out,the guy quickly slapped me as if to say shut the fuck up.
I refused to and kept shouting.

Until not soon after there was a rather loud bash on the door and a axe appeared through the crack it was pulled back again before it cracked the wooden door in two.

"You alrigh'?"the rough voice spoke coming into the room and cutting my ties before  killing the guy who was pleading for his life.

"I'm fine,thank you"I smiled slightly and awkwardly covered my naked body.

"Uhh..here"he spoke taking off his jacket.I smiled to him taking his jacket and pulling it over me it covered my body nicely.He began walking off out of the room so I quickly walked after him "wait!"I hollered unsure of myself.

He turned around and looked at me "what's your name?"I asked him.

"Daryl,Daryl Dixon".

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