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Your POV
"It was locked from the outside and the cuffs are still hanging he must have slipped them"Rick spoke.

"It was secured from the outside"Hershel examined and agreed.

"Rick!Rick!"someone shouted we looked down the field to see Shane approaching with blood pouring from his nose.

"What happened?"Lori shouted over to him.

"He's armed he's got my gun!".

"Are you okay?"Carl asked.

"I'm fine.Little bastard just snuck up on me and clocked me in the face".

"Alright Hershel,T-Dog get everybody back in the house"Rick ordered.

"Glenn,Y/N,Daryl come with us"he pointed at us.

"T,I'm gonna need that gun"Shane spoke grabbing the gun off T-Dog.

"Just let him go.That was the plan wasn't it,to just let him go?"Carol asked.

"The plan was to cut him loose far away from here,not on our front steps with a gun"Rick sounded annoyed.

"Don't go back out there,y'all don't know what can happen"Carol pleaded.

"Get everybody back in the house.Lock all the doors and stay put!".

"Let's go get in the house"Lori spoke to Carl as they started walking back to the house.

"Okay"Carl spoke walking ahead of his mother.

We all started walking into the woods I grabbed my crossbow and a knife and the others grabbed their weapons.

"I saw him head up through those trees before I blacked out"Shane spoke pointing to the East side of the forest.

"I'm not sure how long"he spoke walking ahead.

"He couldn't have gotten far he's hobbled,exhausted"Rick sighed catching up with Shane.

"And armed"Glenn reminded Rick.

"So are we.Can you track him?"Rick asked turning to me and Daryl.

"No I don't see nothing"Daryl mumbled.

"There's nothing I can see"I sighed.

"Hey look there ain't no use in tracking him okay?"Shane spoke.

"He went that way.We just need to group up"Shane decided.

"We spread out and then chase him down.That's it".

"Kid weighs a buck-25 soaking wet"Daryl spoke "you tryna tell us he got the jump on you?".

"I sat a rock pretty much even those odds wouldn't you?"Shane spoke harshly.

"Alright knock it off.You Glenn and Y/N start heading up the right flank"Rick but in.

"Me and Shane will take the left".

"Remember Randall's not the only threat out here".

"Keep an eye out for each other".

We split off and started looking around for any tracks or any sign of Randall.It was absolutely ridiculous we couldn't see a thing so what was the point?

"This is pointless.You got a light?"Daryl complained asking Glenn.

Glenn passed him a light and Daryl shone it onto the trees and on the leaves that surrounded us.

He growled slightly and started walking off east.

"We're just back at square one"Glenn sighed.

"If you're gonna do a thing best do it right".

"Look"I spoke pointing to the ground.

"There's two sets of tracks here"I pointed to the tracks and Daryl nodded.

"Shane must of followed him a lot longer than he said"Daryl spoke.

We followed the tracks and Daryl shone the light up to a tree.

"There's fresh blood on this tree"Daryl shone the light onto the floor again.

"There's more tracks.Looks like their walking into a tandem".

We carried on following the tracks and Glenn bumped into Daryl "sorry"he mumbled looking around.

"There was a dust up right here"I spoke.

"What do you mean?"Glenn asked.

"I mean something went down"I spoke pointing to the leaves distant from each other on one part of the track the rest of the leaves were pilled on top of each other.

"This is getting weird"Glenn spoke and we agreed.

"Had a little trouble"Daryl spoke up pointing the flashlight at the discarded material that Rick used to blindfold Randall on the way to the barn.

All of a sudden a twig snapped from behind us and we all hid behind a tree.

Daryl passed Glenn the flashlight and he put up his crossbow ready to shoot.

Then we heard the moans when the walker pushed Glenn and he fell backwards Daryl quickly shot it and helped Glenn up.

Glenn looked at the walker "that's Randall".

Daryl examined the walker "he got his neck broke he wasn't bite".

"None you can see"Glenn spoke.

"No I'm telling you he died from this"Daryl pointed to Randall's neck.

"How's that possible?".

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