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Your POV

I sat against his chest for what felt like hours, he tried soothing me but it still haunted me the fact that she could have thought that I hated her.

My tears were dry and I listened to Daryl's steady breathing as I lay against his chest, "I didn't want her to die" I whispered "I didn't".

"I know, it's not your fault" he spoke and I believed him.

"You should sleep" he spoke moving to get up.

"Please don't leave" I mumbled grabbing his hand.

He nodded and lay back down with me, I lay in his chest and fell asleep.

I woke up and the sun was only just coming up, Daryl was still asleep and I slowly released myself from his grip. I walked out of the cell and as always Carol was up, "the walkers are at the fence they're starting to gather" Carol spoke.

"I'll go out and deal with it" I spoke, I walked out into the yard with a knife from Carol and sure enough there was a few walkers gathered at the far left of the gate.

I opened the gate and closed it behind me walking so there was a fence between me and the dead. I started killing them,shoving the the knife through the fence into their heads and watched as they fell to the ground.

Soon the bodies were pilled up, I opened the gate and shut it behind me and pulled them out into the woods so they were out of sight and out of mind. I walked back up to the cell block and everyone was up,"you ready?" Rick asked.

I nodded and went to my cell getting my crossbow, "you alright?" a voice gruffly spoke from behind me. I turned to see Daryl "yeah" I spoke my smile small.

We walked out to the others and geared up, all the weapons that was found could be used to kill a majority or not all of the walkers in the other cell blocks if there were any. We opened the gate to the hallway which led to other blocks and rooms that could be full of stuff we need or can use.

Carl shut it behind us and we walked through the cell block, Rick carried a flashlight and looked over the corner first making sure there were no walkers with the rest of us right behind him. Rotting corpses lay on the floor and water dripped from the ceiling, Glenn spray painted an arrow on the wall so we knew where to go back to.

A small scream startled us and we turned around facing Maggie who had been scared by bumping into Glenn probably thinking he was a walker "Sorry" she spoke. It was pitch black and each of us turned our flashlights into different cells on the look out for the infirmary and cafeteria and any walkers that may still be wondering the abandoned halls.

We were brought to another corner and Glenn , again, spray pained an arrow on the wall. The corridor was short and we turned to another corner, it was obvious walkers had been down here corpses lay with flesh ripped from them ,Glenn sprayed another arrow and we shone our flashlights either side of the corridors.

We heard a bang as we reached the end of another corridor and Rick looked first and then we heard the moans, "Go back, Go back, move!" he ordered. We quickly ran back down the corridor keeping our eyes open and as we ran I stood on a corpses hand the blood oozed onto my shoe and I just kept running.

"This way!" Rick shouted.

Glenn and Maggie ran in front about to turn a corner "Whoa, Whoa Go! Go!" they shouted running back to the other door just dodging the other gang of walkers coming behind them.

We ran through what felt like a maze until we ducked behind a door and waited for the walkers to pass "where's Glenn and Maggie?" Rick whispered realising they were missing.

"We have to go back" Hershel whispered back it was obvious he didn't want to leave his daughter after all that they had lost.

"But which way?" Daryl asked.

Rick stood up and looked through the door,the walkers had passed, we opened the door and raised our weapons walking out.

We walked back through the corridors where we last saw them and Hershel called out to them "Maggie?Glenn?".

We through another corridor with no sign of both Glenn and Maggie I turned to wait for Hershel but he was gone, "Hershel?" I called out and everyone turned around I called out again and no answer.

"Everybody stay together" Rick instructed we walked back down the hallway and heard an agonising scream.

We ran to see Hershel crying out in pain with a walker chewing a chunk of his foot, Rick quickly shot it in the head. We ran over to Hershel and Maggie and Glenn came from another corridor as soon as Maggie saw her father she cried knowing she was going to loose him.

Rick and Glenn started picking Hershel up and I didn't know what to do, walkers were coming and I stood just stood there. "Y/N, Daryl!" Rick shouted.

"Oh, god, help me" Hershel cried out.

Daryl put his hand on my shoulder before moving away and firing his crossbow and killing some of the walkers. I snapped out of it and fired my crossbow killing some as well.

"We're blocked!".

"Get back! Get back! Go! Go!" Rick shouted as he and Glenn carried Glenn, me and Daryl carried on killing the closer walkers and they turned back around and went down the corridor to mine and Daryl's right.

There was less now but we needed to get Hershel out. Daryl turned to follow and waited for me we quickly ran down the corridor catching up with the others and we quickly opened a locked door and burst through just in time.

"Shut the door!".

We shut the door and T,me and Daryl kept it shut to prevent the walkers getting in.We looked straight at Hershel as he whimpered and Rick took off his belt.

"Hold him down"Rick spoke fastening the belt around Hershel's leg just above his knee.

"There's only one way to keep you alive"he spoke getting out his hatchet from his bag.

Within an instant the blade connected with Hershel's leg and blood splattered everywhere I could see Hershel was slowly passing out from each swing of the blade to his leg.

The door managed to withstand the pressure from the walkers and they died down so we went over to Hershel and helped.

With one last swing Hershel's leg was off "oh"Rick stood up and looked at all the blood.

"He's bleeding out"he spoke.

Me and Daryl looked up seeing figures "duck"I spoke to Rick and we both rose to our feet and put our crossbows up at the men.

"Holy shit"one of them spoke.

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