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Your POV
I skinned the raccoons and rabbits and started cooking them and everyone else started to come over and sit around the fire as we watched it cook.

Everyone accept Daryl.

Where the hell has he gone?

I dished up food for everyone and set some aside for Daryl,"Rick do you know where Daryl is?"I asked.

He looked around with a questioning look on his face,he swallowed the mouthful of rabbit he had and spoke up.

"I haven't seen him since earlier".

"Oh"I simply spoke,maybe he's in his tent?

I popped my food onto the side "anyone touches my food and I swear"I laughed.They laughed with me before shaking their head and I got up and walked over to Daryl's tent.

"Daryl?"I spoke.

"Yeah"he grumbled and I sighed.

"Dinners ready"I mumbled.

"Alright"he spoke and didn't move from his tent for at least 20 minutes after we had all finished and Andrea and Amy had done the dishes.

I went into my tent before he came out and decided to read,I picked up a book from mine and Glenn's run the other day and it just so happened to be a sad book.

It was about loss and regret,why did I feel as if this book summed up my life?

I regret a lot of things and I've lost a lot of people,but so have other people this is just the problem no one can live in this world without some kind of obstruction to their family.

"And so she decided that it was going to be her last,it reminded her of the last super.Although she didn't have anyone to spend it with.She was all alone".

I woke up and it was dark,I must have fallen asleep while reading.I put my book away and looked out of my tent the fire was barley still going and it was freezing.

I wrapped my blanket around my ice cold body and walked out of my tent,Daryl like any other night was sat alone.

I sat opposite him and watched him as he was cleaning his arrows.

"What?"he grumbled still not looking at me.

"Nothing"I smiled slightly embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"I spoke again and he looked at me then.

"I'm fine"he mumbled turning his gaze back down to his arrows.

"What were you doing earlier?You just disappeared and didn't come out of your tent".

"Why do you ask so many questions?"he sighed.

"Sorry"I mumbled looking at the slowly dying fire.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before I broke it "did I do something?"I asked and watched as he stopped and turned his attention to me once again.

He looked at me for a mere few seconds before carrying on cleaning his arrows.

"So it is?What did I do?Was it because I kissed you?"I asked almost laughing at the simplicity of it.

"Why did you do that?Hm?Now I'm messed up"he spoke rather harshly and I was taken back.

"Your mad at me because I kissed you?"I spoke I sounded rather confused.

He looked at me again before looking away like the many times he had done before.

It wasn't even a real kiss it was a simple kiss on the cheek,God damnit Daryl.

I smiled at him as I watched him,I got up and sat next to him and hugged him.

He tensed like he always did and I smiled.I kissed him on the cheek again and walked back to my tent and got my book.

Since Daryl was being mad at me I went back over to the fire and started reading opposite him.

I looked at him a few times over my book to see him looking at me.I smiled at him and put my book down and sat next to him once again.

"What do you mean your messed up?"I asked him.

"I don't know,I'm just a stupid redkneck"he sighed and I poked his cheek.

"Don't say that your not stupid,your incredibly smart and you know what your doing.If anything your the most important person in my life"I smiled.

He looked at me and had a weird expression which I couldn't read on his face.

"I-I don't know what it is but I feel as though you're the reason that I'm still sticking around here"he mumbled.

"Really?What about everyone else?"I smiled at him.

"Well yeah but your the main part of it"he softly spoke.

"You are something special,Dixon"I smiled and looked up at him.He was already looking down at me and I smirked at him.

I leaned up slightly and watched as he grew closer.

3rd person
They both inched close to each other and slowly but carefully Daryl had his lips on hers.

It was short,but long enough for both of them to feel the electricity between them.

As they pulled away Y/N hid her flushed face in his chest and he leaned his chin on her head.

Daryl didn't know what to do,he didn't know what he felt but he knew the girl with the crossbow was someone special.

He had never been this close to a girl before that was something Merle was good at,he would always be there with Merle when he picked up a girl but he never thought it would happen to him.

Of course he didn't want to be like Merle,but he didn't want to seem weak to the others.He wanted to be strong.

What did this mean for Y/N and Daryl?Was this going to be a relationship or was it just a one off?

They were both questioning their thoughts before Y/N fell asleep on Daryl.

He spent the whole night thinking about it and his feelings are still unclear.

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