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Your P.O.V
As the days opened and closed into weeks that we were there looking for Emily I began to loose hope.

We decided to have a one last look to find her and we split into groups.
Rick,Shane,Carl,me and Daryl in one group and Carol,Sophia,Glenn,Andrea,Amy and Lori in another while T-Dog and Dale stayed by the RV in case Emily came back and of course to make sure no one stole the RV.

Once we left we were chatting amongst our selves,Shane and Rick were talking about routes and me,Daryl and Carl were talking about games we could play.Well Daryl wasn't really talking all he did was grunt.

We did this for a while and it was peaceful,Daryl shot a few squirrel with his crossbow and slung them into his
bag and I didn't notice it at first until I realised right now that this group wasn't just a group it was family.

Everyone looked out for one another and we were all close,some more than others but I haven't seen anything like this since the last Christmas I had with my family.

We were halfway through the trail when we spotted a doe.Daryl raised his crossbow to shoot it when Rick raised his hand and lowered it.

Carl wondered carefully over to the doe and watched it eat the grass as we looked at him mesmerised.The doe didn't even move when Carl stepped closer and it was beautiful almost like a painting.

All of a sudden the perfect moment was destroyed by a single gun shot and both Carl and the doe lying on the floor with a bullet hole in both of them.

Rick ran to Carl and picked him up and a man came running down not noticing he had shot Carl and looked up startled by us and then at the sight of blood pouring from Carl's chest.

"Oh my lord!I'm so sorry,I-I didn't see him I was just-"he was cut off by Shane shouting at him.

"You couldn't see him?!".Shane was angry least to say he was furious although he didn't try to hit the man and knock him off his feet.

Both me and Daryl had no idea what to do so we just stood back and watched the events unravel.The man chucked his gun over his head before taking in the boys wound again.

"N-No,but I have a doctor!Hershel he's on a farm not too far from here he can help!"the man rushed.

"Where?"Rick shouted carrying his son in his arms like he was cradling him.Rick was a strong man but I don't think that if his son died he'd be as strong.

A death of a offspring is like loosing yourself.

"Just up here and a little bit further north there you'll see a fence jump it and you'll see a farm"The man rushed and started running and beckoning us to follow him up the hill.

We all started running,Rick said Carl was barely breathing and the guy just kept apologising saying he didn't see him.

We were cautious of this man,he seemed as though he was genuine but we had met others like this but obviously no one had shot Carl.

Once we arrived an older looking man came out of his house wondering what was going on he was soon followed by 3 women.

Once he saw Rick with Carl he ushered them inside.Me,Daryl and Shane stayed outside waiting till something happened.

Hopefully nothing terrible,Carl was a great boy he surly knew what he was doing and was always nice to us all as well as playing with Sophia and Emily.

Shane stayed well away from me as we waited and I was pleased although he
may have been right he had no authority to say it.

Daryl got up mumbling he was going for a smoke,and I pondered for a second before the words came out of my mouth without even thinking.

"Do you mind if I join?".
I certainly don't want to be left alone with Shane.

"Sure whatever"he mumbled and started trudging off as I followed him.We only went a little further away from the house when he pulled out 2 cigarettes and passed one to me and lit them both with a lighter.

Before this all started I only smoked when I was stressed or just wanted to piss off my parents.I didn't feel the need to be stressed to do it anymore there was no point the world was going to shit.

"Thanks"I spoke and felt the smoke fill my lungs,we sat there for a while the smoke surrounded us.

Both him and me had given up hope.But were weren't going to let this world destroy the last bit of love and faith we had.

It had been a few hours since Carl had been shot by Otis,Shane and Otis had gone into town to get some supplies so Hershel could operate and take out the bullet.

Lori and the others had arrived as well apart from T-Dog and Dale who were at the RV.

Hershel had told us that we could stay if we promised not to carry any weapons I could see his point,they had made it this far without weapons.

I decided to go back to the RV and tell them they could bring the RV up here to the barn they were reluctant at first asking me what if's and I told them I would leave a note and some supplies.

So that's what I did I wrote a note on the windscreen of one of the cars and left water and food for her if she was to come back.

We left not long after and I pointed them to the farm,we parked the RV next to a few trees where we were planning to set up camp.

We had heard news that Carl was doing fine and Rick had given blood so he couldn't walk very far without falling over and passing out.

The first night at the farm was peaceful,Lori and Rick slept in the house with Carl as the rest of us slept outside.There were no walkers,no noise.It was peaceful.

I decided on sleeping tonight and I finally could without feeling the need to stay up in case Emily were to come back.

I had to accept the fact that she may never come back.

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