Clearing up

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Your POV
"You never tried to break out of here?"T asked surprised,like the rest of us that they had been locked in the prison since the start.

"Yeah,we tried to take the doors off.But if you make one peep in here,then those freaks'll be lined up outside the door growling trying to get in".

I looked around it was full of bin bags and all sorts "windows got bars on there that he-man couldn't get through"the guy carried on.

"Bigger than a 5x8"the moustache added.

"You won't find me complaining"the tall one spoke "doing 15.My left leg can barley fit in one of those bunks".

"Yeah they don't call him big Tiny for nothing".

"You done jerking each other off?"the long haired guy spoke "sick of waiting back here".

We walked out to the back where I presume the food was stored,there was stacks upon stacks a lot more than we've seen all year.

Daryl turned on his flashlight and looked around quick before pointing it at the long haired guy and then putting it down.

"This is what you call a little bit of food?"Daryl spoke.

"It goes fast"he fought back.


"You can have a bag of corn,some tuna fish--".

"We said half.Thats the deal"I spoke up stepping forward.

"What's in there?"Rick asked pointing to a frozen meat storage room.

"Don't open that."

Rick didn't listen and opened it and almost immediately started coughing and gagging.

They laughed at him "he wanted to know".

Rick slammed the door quickly "can't wait for my own pot to piss in"the moustache spoke his arms crossed over his chest.

We picked up the food and left after that,we had 2 boxes to carry each full of food we thought we'd never taste again.It wouldn't be the same as before the world went to shit and we cooked it ourselves but it be a better meal than squirrel and rabbit.

We unlocked the gate and stepped up to the gate leading to our cell block "foods here"T spoke as Carl unlocked the gate.

"What you got?"Carl asked as he pulled the gate open for us.

"Canned beef,canned corn,canned cans.There's a lot more where this came from"T spoke as we took it up to one of the cells.

Carl helped me and T as we put them in and I thanked him as he took a bag from me.

After we put the food in the cell me,T and Rick went back down to Daryl were he was watching the prisoners.

We handed each of them metal bars."why do I need this when I got this?"the long haired guy spoke pulling out his gun from his pocket.

"You don't fire guns,not unless your backs up against a wall"Daryl spoke "the noise attracts them.It really riles them up."

"We'll go in two by two.Daryl will run point with Y/N.I'll bring up the rear with you"Rick spoke pointing at the short guy "T be in the back with you and you two together".

"Hold tight stay in formation"Rick added "no matter how close the walkers get.Anyone breaks ranks we could all go down.Anyone runs off,they could get mistaken for a walker end up with an axe to the head".

"And that's where you aim"Daryl spoke "these things only go down with a head shot."

"You ain't got to tell us how to take out a man"long haired dude spoke.

"They ain't men.They're something else"I spoke.

"Just remember to go for the brain"Rick added again.

We walked out pairing up me with Daryl on point and the others in pairs as well.

"Man it's too damn dark in here"the man I learned to be Oscar spoke.

"You gotta hold it up high out in front of you"Daryl whispered "you're gonna hear them before you see them".

"It's coming!"the guy with the moustache Axel shouted.

Rick shushed him and we all held up our lights and held our weapons up ready to kill.

We could hear the snarling now,and then they came one by one from around the corner.

Daryl started counting on his fingers looking back at them 1...2... he didn't even get to three before all of them screamed and charged and the walkers and began killing them.

Me,Daryl,Rick and T looked at each other as we watched them.They weren't aiming for the brain.

After a few minutes they caught on and killed them and so we carried on Daryl in front and me to his right "it's not the stomach not the heart-- the brain"Daryl spoke as he shot a walker in the head with his crossbow.

"I hear you"Axel spoke.

"The brain"Daryl repeated.

I killed the next one an arrow to the head "like that?"they asked.

"Uh-huh"I mumbled.

Axel shoved his metal pipe into the walkers head and then pulled it out stepping back as another walkers came.

Rick stabbed his knife into its head and blood splatter onto him.

"Stay in tight formation.No more prison riot crap"Rick spoke stepping back.

More came and they took them on.

Everyone looked around and Big Tiny wasn't in the room but the door behind us was open.

"Go get him!"Rick ordered as him and Tomas went to go find him.

The rest of us killed the other walkers and we heard gun shots,we finished killing the rest and went to see what had happened.

Rick was looking at Big Tiny's bite and it was on his back,"I'm telling you,I don't feel anything it was just a scratch"Big Tiny tried to reassure Rick.

"I'm sorry,man"Rick spoke.

"I can keep fighting!".

"You cut that old guys leg off to save his life"Andrew spoke.

"Look at where the bite is"Rick pointed at his bite on his back we couldn't exactly cut off his back.

"Guys,I'm fine!Just--I'm fine.Look at me-- I'm not changing into one of those things."

"Look man there has got to be something we can do,we could just lock him up"Oscar spike.

"Quarantine him"Axel added.

"We gotta do something.Why you just standing there?We gotta save him"Andrew tried to get someone to help his friend.

"There's nothing we can do"I spoke.

"You son of a bitch"Andrew spoke looking at me and then at Rick.

"I'm all ri--"Big Tiny began to say but Tomas wacked him over the head with his metal and continued to hit it over his head.

Blood splattered everywhere.

He looked at all of us as he stopped before carrying on,walking away.

We all looked at each other before walking after him and getting this done.

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