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Daryl's P.O.V
She slowly got up from where she lay,she was just staring at the sky as tears rolled down her cheeks.

I didn't know what to do,do I comfort her?She started walking towards the opening of the woods when I found myself up behind her and gently pulling her back.

"Don't"I simply spoke and watched as she turned around,as her glossy eyes met mine she started to cry again and I pulled her in for a hug.

Your P.O.V
"Don't"Daryl spoke and I turned around to face him,I don't know why but I just broke down in tears.He pulled me in for a hug and I buried my head in his chest.

He slowly pulled my cross bow from my hand and dropped it onto the floor,once my tears finally started to dry up I pulled away from him.

"I want to find her,she's probably out there right now in the cold by herself with nothing but her stupid thin clothes to keep her warm.She has no weapons and what would she do if she found a walker?She'd just- just stand there and not know what to do"I sighed picking my crossbow back up.

The sun was starting to come up and both me and Daryl looked over at the rest of the group.He bent down and picked up a stone before dragging it across the concrete and as if it was a pen Daryl wrote 'Gone looking for Emily,be back soon'.

He threw the rock onto the floor before grabbing his cross bow and joining me as we walked down the pathway towards the opening of the woods.

We were silent as we walked,Daryl was tracking the remaining of Emily's trail while I was looking on trees,in bushes etc for any sight of her.


There was nothing at all.Her trail just went cold,it was as if she had just gone.

Daryl grunted before turning his gaze towards me "there's nothing,the track is cold but we can still keep looking"he spoke.

It was now about noon and the woods were silent,I nodded my head to Daryl and we carried on looking for a good extra 3 hours before deciding to head back.

Both of us caught 4 squirrels and 2 rabbits between us for dinner tonight and maybe tomorrow night if we save some.

As we got back to everyone they were gathered around a small fire.
"We looked for a while but we couldn't find anything so came back,did you find anything?"Andrea spoke.

"Nope"Daryl spoke as he sat down opposite me and started skinning some of the rabbits and squirrel as I did the same with the others.

"We might have more luck tomorrow"Rick spoke as we started cooking the animals.

Tomorrow soon came around and still nothing,a few days had finally gone by and people were getting impatient especially Shane saying we should move on.

"This is ridiculous,we can't stay here for the rest of our lives and risk our lives for a girl we only knew for what 3 days?I don't even know her name,she's probably half dead or already a walker"he spoke to Andrea who slightly nodded.

I stood up and walked over to them pretending I didn't hear a thing until I stood by him.

"Her name is Emily"I spoke rather harshly.


"Her name is Emily,I'm sorry but I didn't ask for any of you to risk your lives or even stay here!"I shouted at him getting in his face.

I felt like punching him how dare he.

"Get out of my face,we barley know you for all we know you could have set this whole damn thing up!".

That was it the cap was off and I punched his right in the face and heard a crunch watching blood pour from his nose as some one pulled me back.

I accepted the fact that I might never see Emily again from Shane's harsh words.I turned around to see Daryl holding me back and I just went kind of limp in his arms.

I watched Rick tell Shane off like a child and he moved further away towards Andrea.

Daryl loosened his grip on me and I sat down by the fire and started poking it with a stick.

Nobody spoke for the rest of the evening accept for the occasional 'you alright' to each other.

I didn't sleep again and neither did Daryl we sat there and just watched the sky and the trees sway as the morning grew closer to us.

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