Thank you

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Daryl's POV
We sat there,just me and her and looked at the fire.We didn't say anything and it was peaceful.

"You must be hungry,here"I spoke handing her some of the cooked squirrel Carol cooked for us earlier,we kept some back for Y/N if she came out of her tent.

"Thanks"she smiled taking small bites out of it.

"So,you alrigh'?"I asked making small talk,just as well if we were going to stay up for most of the night.

"I suppose"she sighed.

Your POV
We stayed up the entire night again just looking at the fire and barley talking but I felt as though now we're closer.

Carol was the first one up and she started doing breakfast,Maggie had given us some oatmeal and Carol made herself a bowl and offered me and Daryl but we both refused.

Never did really like it.We both parted and I went to get changed and he went to his tent which was isolated only slightly from the rest of ours.

I walked back to the fire and more people were now up,I noticed Carl and Sophia sitting with each other and they were silent.

I wanted to talk to them about Emily,I asked Carol,Rick and Lori if that was okay and they gave me a smile before nodding telling me they were sorry for my loss.

I walked over to them and sat down,"you know she's in a better place now"I smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry Y/N I miss her she was my best friend"Sophia spoke and I hugged her and Carl.

"It's alright,just remind yourselves everyday that you got to stay strong.Everyone in your lives right now will come and go,it doesn't mean they're not happy with you it means they love you"I smiled they smiled back and I left them to it.

Shane wasn't aloud anywhere near Hershel or his daughters and had to keep well away from his house but apart from that he was aloud to stay after Hershel had a rather long chat with Rick.

Serves the reckless prick right,he shouldn't have done that especially after Hershel said no.But I suppose if he didn't then we could of all died,as well as still be looking for Emily.

I was doing the dishes when Carol came over,she smiled slightly and hugged me.

"We're going to start burying in a minute and we was wondering if you wanted a funeral for Emily?"she hesitated.

"I- sure"I smiled the pain was burying into my heart,it hurt like hell to think that she was gone but I had to move on.I can't spend the rest of my life questioning my self and drown myself in self loathing.

The ceremony was short,it was how you'd expect it in a apocalypse.Everyone came to say goodbye,to both Emily and the Greene's family and then they were put 10 ft underground to be remembered always.

As for the rest of the walkers who were in the barn Andrea and Shane drove out into the woods and dumped them.

I went back to my tent and got my cross bow,I told the others I was going hunting and left.

I didn't even notice Daryl was already gone,he had gone down to the woods earlier to hunt.

I slowly looked around,there were 2 raccoons in a tree and I decided they'd do for food for tonight if we didn't have anymore Squirrel.

I shot 2 down and threw them in my bag,I walked down further and saw a walkers roaming near the river.

I shot it straight in the head and collected my arrow to see that there was another arrow in its head as well.

I looked up to see Daryl coming over and passed his arrow back.
"Had any luck?"I asked him.

"Got a rabbit what abou' you?".

"2 raccoons"I smiled.

He looked at them "they'd do for tonight,ever had raccoon?"he asked.

"Yeah a few times".

He nodded and we headed down the bank towards the open field.
"More chance of getting deer and Rabbits"he explained.


We stayed in the shadows of the open field and he was right,there were deer and rabbits we shot 3 rabbits with our crossbows but we wasn't quick enough to get any deer.

We put the rabbits in our bags and started heading back to camp.

"Daryl?"I spoke.

"Hmm?"he mumbled as we walked he turned back to me.

"I never did thank you".

"For what?".

"For helping to try and find Emily,you were the only one who went out with me at daft hours and try and find her.You were the one who comforted me,so thank you"I smiled we had reached camp and I gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking over to the fire and started skinning the animals for dinner tonight.

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