Lost and Found

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Your P.O.V
It's been a few days since my first night with the group,Daryl had gone out almost everyday to try and find his brother.I offered to help him but he turned me down each time,Carol and me have grown closer and we're basically sisters.

Everyone's excepted me except for Shane and I had my suspicions that him and Lori were a 'thing',me and Lori don't really get along but we still talk a bit.

"Y/N,can you help on the run today?Since Daryl will be out looking for his brother we need someone with skill so we can get some supplies"Glenn smiled at me,he always seemed to be going on runs to get supplies.

I agreed to help and we soon left,I swung my crossbow over my shoulder as we walked around the city which wasn't that far away from the camp.

We found a rundown shop and decided to take a look,the city was more full of walkers than any place I had been before but they were surrounding a few corpses which distracted them enough for us to go into the shop.

I quietly shut the door behind me as we walked in,we checked around first and there were no walkers on the main floor of the shop so we began searing around.

Glenn gave me a list of things to look for as he looked for some other things on his list.I began searing around,the store wasn't actually full of much only a few items were lying around on the floors and shelves.

I managed to find some band aids and aspirin as I looked around,but not all the things were here so we decided to look in another store.

As we checked outside we were relived to find that the walkers were still preoccupied with the corpses that were almost bones.

We were just about to enter a shop a couple sites down when we heard a scream and a gun shot,for some reason the scream sounded familiar.

I looked over at Glenn "should we go check it out?"I asked him and he looked reluctant but I carried on anyway hearing another gun shot and following the shot.

Suddenly realising that we were the only ones here I pulled Glenn into an alley and watched as walkers scrambled down the street towards the gun shots.

We pulled down the ladder on one of the buildings attracting a few walkers but we got up before they reached us hearing the groaning of the many walkers gathering at the bottom made me think about how many there actually was in the city.

We jumped over the small gaps of the building until we realised the gun shots actually came from the roof of one of the buildings only a few buildings down.

We looked over seeing a little girl with a gun in her hands shooting the walkers surrounding her,the girl reminded me of my sister and we started running to help her.

I shot my crossbow shooting the walker closer to the girl and she turned around in a swift movement and as soon as she turned around I realised it wasn't just a little girl it was my sister.

"Emily!"I shouted tears threatening to spill,she turned around once more before she started shooting the walkers again.By now I was already on the same roof as her and the walkers were taken care of.

I couldn't move my feet for a second as I watched her run towards me,Glenn stood besides me as I hugged my sister.

"Where have you been?!"she cried pulling back before hugging me again.
"Places"I smiled as I looked at her,she looked as she always did just more bloody.

"Glenn,this is my sister Emily."I smiled at Glenn who bent down to my sisters height and greeted her.

She's only 11 but she's very small for her age .As I looked around I realised she was alone "where's everyone?"I asked and watched as she started to cry again.

"They all died in the house,when you left it was only me and mum but..She's one of them now,she got stuck under a shelf in one of the stores down the street and they ate her alive"she spoke pointing to one of the walkers.

"It's alright"I spoke hugging her again.

"We should probably get back,the suns coming in"Glenn spoke and we started walking back toward the stairs.

-A few days later-

Emily and Sophia were getting on great,everyone was happy to see that my sister was okay but Daryl hasn't really shown much emotion.

He's still looking for his brother but has given up hope because he's looked almost everywhere.

I was helping Carol with the washing when we heard the kids screaming.

"Emily?Sophia?Carl?"I shouted running to wear the screams were coming from,a whole lot of walkers were behind them as they ran up the pathway towards us.

I began shooting them and Carol began stabbing them in the head when the rest of the group joined us killing the rest of them.

I checked on the kids and they were all fine apart from being a big shaken up.

"I think it's time we find sanctuary else where"Rick spoke up "That's the 6th time that's happened since we've been living here maybe it's time we move on and go on the highway for a new place to stay"he spoke again.

No one spoke after that for a while as we all contemplated our thoughts on the situation,he was right.

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