Chapter 4- Moving In

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"So welcome, to the Avengers Tower! With everything that has happened, I had Jarvis prepare your level, and I also cleared my schedule for tonight so we can have a night to get to know you." He said as he fumbled with his hands.

He then showed me to the elevator and it appeared my level was 85, with Loki on top as 86, and Bucky on the bottom as 84. This is great, too very attractive men surrounding me.

We took the elevator and when I walked in there was a mini-living room, bathroom, Library, music room, and target room.

"I will just be getting some things from Titan,"

"Titan?" said Banner as he looked at me interestingly.

"My planet I am currently living on; If you guys want to join me?" I said as I used my ring to create another portal.

Everyone was jumping up and down with excitement.

"Well the portal should stay open, and I created it to only allow you guys to walk through," I said as I walked through, we all landed in my room.

"So how does your planet work," asked Banner as he touched the walls of the Castle.

"It plays on my imagination, I imagine what I want-" I paused and thought about a gray cat, it appeared," and it appears, I have always loved cats. I could even imagine an Iron Man suit, although I do not take away people's hobbies. So don't worry Tony," I said as I chuckled a bit.

Out of nowhere, technically my mind, a Suit appeared. I walked back to my room, Loki and Bucky both followed me and used my telekinesis to float my piano out of the room and into the portal. I grabbed my violin and disguised it as a book, I did not want to draw any more attention than was needed.

Loki and Bucky both went to look at my pictures, all over the wall.

"You like photography," Loki said as he looked at a picture, of a green cat with his horn helmet, everything else was in black and white. I remembered, how I used my laptop to edit it.

"Is it that obvious," I asked as I looked under my bed, for the box, that held memories and places for the infinity stones.

"A little, how did you get this picture?" said Bucky as he chuckled and looked at a picture of his metal arm, in red as he held Captain America's shield.

"You do know, that when you have portals, sneaking around the tower is very easy," I said as I realized these boys are breaking me down, bit by bit.

"I will be sure to sleep with one eye open,"

"Even that will not save you," I said with the smirk, as I grabbed my camera, and quickly snapped a picture of both men.

They both turned around surprised, I quickly turned my camera into a charm and it appeared on my bracelet along with everything else, I needed as a last resort.

I grabbed my collection of daggers and put them into my bag. I used my tele, to make the books float from my shelf and into the portal. My room was made into a library, I had a bed in the middle, my piano was already set in the music room, along with a guitar I had taught myself to play. There was a bar in the kitchen, so I headed over there, I grabbed a Budweiser beer.

"You drink?" Asked Stark, as he walked up the fridge to pull out a martini.

"When you're royalty, you tend to drink every day at dinners, the princes should understand me," I said as I pointed to Loki and Thor.

"Yes, that is true, why the sudden mood change, no 'sir' or 'milord'?" Said Thor as he took a Budweiser.

"I guess you guys, have broken through the first wall," I shrugged as I took a swig of my drink.

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