Mini-Interview #4

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Remember that to Sigyn, Morfia is Lily. If you guys get the mixed up it may get confusing. Morfia doesn't want Asgard to know that a legend is with them as brought out in the previous chapter. I will try to do a side note to remind you guys, Thanks and ENJOY!!!


Me: Hello World, and my fellow readers. How is your lovely day going? How are you liking the story so far, are you like the new introduced character and enemy? Well lucky for you, we have Clint and Wanda. We will also have a couple of special guests. How are my favorite people today??

Clint: Well, I guess you could say Asgard has totally been a treat.

Me: Ohh I've heard, you've been there what 2 days. How's that treating you, Wanda?

Wanda: It has been amazing, it's beautiful here and the people are so kind. They also have amazing fashion sense.

Me: I also have to admit that I love their dresses and shoes. But I love dresses in shoes in general. So it seems Asgard has been treating you well. So everyone has met Sigyn and Kathros, so why don't we welcome them to the stage...... *clapping in the background*

Sigyn: *dramatic bowing* Oh thank you, thank you so much!! It's a pleasure to be here. *Over flattering herself, giving blow-kisses* Maya thank you for having me! *Flamboyantly sitting down, legs crossed*

Kathros: *Modestly waving, small curtseyed* Hi, wow that is a lot of people, definitely have to get used to seeing crowds again. Yes, Maya what a pleasure to be here, thank you for having me. Can't wait to answer some questions.

Me: Yes, I like that attitude. Nice of you guys to join us today! We are starting off with Kathros, the first question which is quite frankly funny: Why is your favorite color purple?

Kathros: Well that's a good question, umm well. Actually midnight purple is my favorite shade, henceforth the roses. But Purple is royalty and because purple is rarely known through nature I think it gives it a new meaning. The ability to see it in a new light. Purple is also associated more with supernatural energy and the cosmos than with the physical world as we know it. And a fun fact is that Purple is the most powerful visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy. Much like my sister, my world is created to allow me to have anything and everything. So I have lots of technology. I do plenty research.

Maya: Wow ok, I guess now I see why you like purple so much. So onto the much funnier part of the last chapter, Clint I am dying to know. How does it feel to get beat by Lily?

Clint: *chuckles lightly* I let her win obviously, I had already previously trained and I was tired. I was just a little bored and I was getting antsy. I needed something to do.

Maya: Right ok will just go with that..... So Sigyn all of the readers, including my sister want to know: why do you actually hate Lily?

Sigyn: *Dramatically flips hair.....* Well, there are plenty of reasons, Lily is stuck up, obnoxious, and doesn't care about anyone but herself. And she does not belong in Asgard I mean look at her. Have you seen the way she dresses??

Kathros: Do you have a problem?!?

Sigyn: Oh, sweetie if I must dumb it down to your level, then yes I do have a problem. Especially with her.....

Kathros: Ok, first of all, I am done with your attitude! And second of all what makes you think you can talk to me, me of all people like that!?! With that attitude of yours, you do not deserve to live!! *She screeches making her point valid*

Sigyn: *dramatically puts a hand over chest and gasps* You wanna go!?!?!

Wanda: Ladies, ladies let's break it up, Clint help me out here!

*Clint chuckles with amusement, backing up giving the ladies room........ Wanda then glares daggers in his direction, which only cause him to laugh even harder, but still not loud enough to break it up.......*

Wanda: Ok, fine. Ladies lets not do that right here, sorry Maya it's been a long day......

Maya: On no you're fine, But I heard from a little birdie that some changes are being made to the journey, so I would like to welcome the rest of the Avengers on stage with me!!!! *I yell, as I stand up clapping to welcome the group*

Tony: Hello all!!

Steve: *dramatic bowing along with the chuckle we all adore*

Omorfia/ Lily: *Modest waving*

Natasha: *Small wave*

Maya: Welcome!!! It's a pleasure to have you all here!!! Please have a seat!!!! Finally, I have you all up here!!

Peter: Yes this is my first time!!

Thor: Look at this amazing Machinery!! They even have pop tarts.

Loki: Go sit down somewhere you big ouff!!

Maya: Ok so guys I have one more surprise!!! I have invited my sister Anna or known as @Loosingmymind32. Welcome sis!!

Anna: Hello all!!!

Maya: Anna is the secretary of "In time", she helps with photos, interviews, personalities, abilities, and questions. For now, we will be asking her the questions!! So.... Anna how are you liking your "JOB" so far?

Anna: Well it is a wonderful job, I really love helping my older sister with her books. This has given me an opportunity to see Wattpad from a different perspective. As most may know I just started an account on Wattpad so helping her with her story and seeing them on Wattpad has been an awesome "training" I guess you could say.

Maya: Oh wow! Ok, I didn't realize how much helping me with the story really means to you. Ok so everyone I have a secret.... We are coming to a close on In time.....


Sigyn: What!!!!! I just go in this story and I'm not going back to the shadows!!! This is where I belong in the spotlight. *Dramatically huffs and flips hair once again.*

Maya: I know... I know! BUT the sequel should be out after the last chapter!!! SO my fellow readers you must be on the lookout for sneak peeks!!

Tony: BUT... BUT.......

Maya: I know..... I know......... But let's end on a good note, so everyone or the Avengers, How did you change?

Natasha: Well I know for a fact that we all changed through the example of Lily. She showed kindness when it wasn't mostly expected.

Bruce: Yes, I have to agree. *Timidly raises hands*

Maya: Please continue. *I nod my head allowing.*

Bruce: No offense, but Loki has softened and I like the fact that I don't hulk out because of his.... No offense but big mouth.

Loki: Oh thanks, Banner, I know how you guys really feel about me!  

Maya: Ok so this is turning out for the better!! I like it. So I guess that's it for now.... Well....

Tony: Wait can I say your goodbye!! Please!!! *initiate puppy eyes*

Maya: Sure Tony. *I chuckle in amusement*

Tony: Ok, so don't forget to comment questions you want to ask for the next interview!! Get ready for the sequel!! Chapter 14 should be out soon!!!! Have a nice morning, day, night, and evening. Avengers OUT!!!!

Maya: Bye Everyone!! *The camera zooms in and out of the characters and Audience...... think of the Ellen show!!!* 

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